ErickLimaS / anime-website

AniProject: Watch Animes, Read Mangas and make Comments on this website made with Next.js, TypeScript, Firebase, Anilist, Consumet and Aniwatch API. AD FREE.
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[suggestion] Anilist sync and MAL sync #78

Open Drac1652 opened 3 weeks ago

Drac1652 commented 3 weeks ago

Everything seems to go smooth for the moment with the website, so the only main thing left is anilist direct sync when you watch anime plus if you can make a way to fetch all anilist data, so as all the anime watched, planned to watch, watching, dropped and paused can be viewed on the website. In anilist is called my list, those i mentioned are some of contents on my list. Even if for now it can't add direct to anilist after watching an episode but at least create those my list so more lists can be added. And for sync without anilist integration there's MAL sync it's an extension that syncs data direct to anilist for websites without anilist integration, you can contact them so they can add your website.

ErickLimaS commented 3 weeks ago

Will do. This is the next thing on the list.

Drac1652 commented 3 weeks ago

Awesome, thanks!

On Fri, Jun 7, 2024, 12:29 AM Erick Lima @.***> wrote:

Will do. This is the next thing on the list.

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Drac1652 commented 3 weeks ago

And i suggest you could add another server like zoro this is because i think most people don't use crunchyroll server because when you play takes you to their website.. i'd suggest you add Zoro and remove crunchyroll. Or if not zoro, maybe another servers that have more hd quality videos. I've been playing 1080p but it's not that high quality 1080 like that on animeflix. So maybe you can make a server that has more hd videos. But all in account, thanks for the updates.

On Fri, Jun 7, 2024, 12:31 AM Steven Jackson @.***> wrote:

Awesome, thanks!

On Fri, Jun 7, 2024, 12:29 AM Erick Lima @.***> wrote:

Will do. This is the next thing on the list.

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ErickLimaS commented 3 weeks ago

And i suggest you could add another server like zoro...

Last time i checked, zoro wasnt working, dont know why... but i'll give a look and if it works i'll add it

Azmarine13 commented 3 weeks ago

Would like to also see SIMKL Anime Watchlist Sync as well:

ErickLimaS commented 2 weeks ago

Would like to also see SIMKL Anime Watchlist Sync as well:

First i will try to get the project to its best form, and then i gonna add that and new features. Or you could try to add it yourself and make a Pull Request, if you want.

Drac1652 commented 2 weeks ago

Would like to also see SIMKL Anime Watchlist Sync as well:

First i will try to get the project to its best form, and then i gonna add that and new features. Or you could try to add it yourself and make a Pull Request, if you want.

When will the new update be up?

Drac1652 commented 2 weeks ago

Because am trying to use the website each time i play an episode it shows, API error try to reload

ErickLimaS commented 2 weeks ago

API error try to reload

I just made a Pull Request. See if its solved, or try giving me the error message, screenshot or something

Drac1652 commented 2 weeks ago

API error try to reload

I just made a Pull Request. See if its solved, or try giving me the error message, screenshot or something

The first image shows error when i open my list option The second image shows error when i play an episode 20240610_230556 20240610_230752

ErickLimaS commented 2 weeks ago

The second image shows error when i play an episode

Can you give me the link to the episode?