ErickLimaS / anime-website

AniProject: Watch Animes, Read Mangas and make Comments on this website made with Next.js, TypeScript, Firebase, Anilist, Consumet and Aniwatch API. AD FREE.
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Auto mark watched episodes #91

Closed Drac1652 closed 2 weeks ago

Drac1652 commented 2 weeks ago

It's a job well done for creating my list and fetching data from anilist that's a huge step bro congrats. This suggested feature i somehow saw it in other websites. When you fetch data from anilist. All fetched episodes if are watched/marked as completed also appear marked as watched on the website. Can you fix that feature so for all fetched episodes to appear marked if the episode is already viewed.

ErickLimaS commented 2 weeks ago

Im working on it.

Now I have added a feature to sync with Anilist. When an episode is completed, it updates the watched episodes there.

When its done, i make the PR.

Drac1652 commented 2 weeks ago

Maybe that's why the website was kinda not working fine, i reloaded many times for it to just open the homepage. So now if i watch an episode should be synced with anilist directly?

ErickLimaS commented 2 weeks ago

No, i havent changed the production one. Im the only one who can see the changes for now

reloaded many times for it to just open the homepage

this is because of vercel free tier limit. it will be like this forever, since i dont pay a penny.

Drac1652 commented 2 weeks ago

No, i havent changed the production one. Im the only one who can see the changes for now

So when will the autosync be ready for everyone?

ErickLimaS commented 2 weeks ago

So when will the autosync be ready for everyone?

Its out now!

It auto marks the episodes watched from Anilist, and when you watch one, it updates your anilist account with the new info.

And now i'll be closing this issue as completed.