ErickLimaS / anime-website

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Homepage & Video player suggestion. #95

Open Drac1652 opened 2 weeks ago

Drac1652 commented 2 weeks ago

1.For Homepage, i recommended this but i forgot to send the picture.The homepage should display the trending anime for the moment as a spotlight for some seconds 10 to 15, showing 1 anime to the other maybe the top ten trending anime plus a navigation button for mannual scrolling. See the example from attachment. Picsart_24-06-13_02-01-51-791

2.Second for video player, gogoanime should also have an option to skip intros and credits and next episode option (Should automatic play next episode). Because gogoanime has a tendency of playing the next episode at the middle or near end and not from the start. Also the intro and credits marks should be seen at the videoa bar to indicate the intro and extro for mannual skipping. See attachment Screenshot_20240613-021359_Firefox

  1. Total anime,manga and days watched on the my lists section. When you open my list as a default, it needs to show those and also a banner that is found on anilist can be seen when you open my list section.See attachment for example. Picsart_24-06-13_08-59-48-960

  2. Modifications on add to my list, make it more into multiple options, not only to add on add as but more contents like, score, progress, date to start watching and finished watching which sync automatically with anilist and a comment note. I suggest the window popup should the same as that when you select an anime on trending, or show me something new but rather it should have those options and a save changes option. See attachment for an example. Screenshot_20240613-131840_Firefox

ErickLimaS commented 2 weeks ago

1.For Homepage,

  • This is a very particular opnion. I did the way i did because i tried to recreate a template i've seen on the internet (credits on footer). But suggestions is always welcome. So what im going to change is the transition after the trailer ends or after every 10 seconds shows a new media.

2.Second for video player

  • Gogoanime doesnt provide info for this. I can take for granted that every 1:30 first minutes is always going to be a intro, so i just didnt tried to predict, and i just let it without any skip btns. About the marks on the player bar, im trying to get right video player for this. The one im using seems to not provide this type of feature.

3.Total anime,manga and days watched

  • Cool suggestion. But im giving priority for really usefull features and anoying bugs. So it will be on the end of the least, together with theme changing and others.

Modifications on add to my list

  • This one is good too. Will surelly be done. But as said, priority for bug fixes and extremely usefull features.

Check the Under Development Section on Readme to see what is under way. Is not ordered but you can see what is going on.

Drac1652 commented 2 weeks ago
  1. I suggest you put both of them for those that allow autoplay of the trailer if it ends new media is shown and for those who doesn't allow trailer they should have 10 seconds then new media.
  2. Okay we'll be waiting for that video player The others I'll be waiting when you update. But the biggest bug is missing episodes and improper thumbnails on some anime episodes.