ErickLimaS / anime-website

AniProject: Watch Animes, Read Mangas and make Comments on this website made with Next.js, TypeScript, Firebase, Anilist, Consumet and Aniwatch API. AD FREE.
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Anilist API issues #99

Open Drac1652 opened 1 week ago

Drac1652 commented 1 week ago

It has started to occur recently the Anilist API is not working properly

  1. Every time i open the website it needs a login again it doesn't save the anilist login at all
  2. Anilist autosync and data fetching is broken, doesn't autosync anymore and doesn't update the watched anime and also data fetching is not good to on loading it shows all the data on anilist like total episode completed, watching and etc but right after loading it shows the number of animes which i only added to respective categories using the website and today it doesn't show any animes at all in that list.
ErickLimaS commented 1 week ago

Its due to Vercel free tier. You'll need to deploy your own instance to continue using it. Read the Readme to see how to do it.

Im gonna add something to limit the user's usage to my instance so it'll only be a showcase example.

Drac1652 commented 1 week ago

Its due to Vercel free tier. You'll need to deploy your own instance to continue using it. Read the Readme to see how to do it.

Im gonna add something to limit the user's usage to my instance so it'll only be a showcase example.

Okay lemme check

abdul-kaiyum1 commented 5 days ago

In my site login with anilist not working what should I do?