angular-pivot just displays "An error occurred rendering the PivotTable UI.".
Top of stack (render call is iin angular-pivot.js):
TypeError: this.find(...).sortable is not a function
at jQuery.fn.init.$.fn.pivotUI (eval at <anonymous> (desktop.a0dc97c….js:1493), <anonymous>:1630:40)
at render (eval at <anonymous> (desktop.a0dc97c….js:1457), <anonymous>:18:25)
Seems jQueryUI is not loaded properly?
my module.js (ES6 style):
import * as jQuery from 'jquery';
import * as jqueryui from 'jquery-ui';
import pivottable from 'pivottable';
import AngularPivot from 'angular-pivot';
import { component } from './component';
export const myModule = angular
.module('myModule', ['angular-pivottable'])
.component('myModule', component);
The issue is general for jqueryui - need to include it in webpack/babel config:
resolve: {
'jquery-ui': path.resolve(nodeModulesPath, 'jquery-ui', 'ui')
angular-pivot just displays "An error occurred rendering the PivotTable UI.".
Top of stack (render call is iin angular-pivot.js):
Seems jQueryUI is not loaded properly?
my module.js (ES6 style):
Any suggestions appreciated.