Ericsii / FAST_LIO_ROS2

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Is ouster lidar available? #10

Closed LTHlidar closed 6 months ago

LTHlidar commented 7 months ago

First, thank you for your FAST LIO ROS2 package.

I have a question, I am currently using ouster lidar. To launch a package using ouster lidar, ros2 launch fast_lio mapping_ouster64.launch command into the terminal? Or, inside the file, modify the 'mid360.yaml' to 'ouster64.yaml' and run the command ros2 launch fast_lio and run it?

Actually, I tried both ways, but it didn't work, hence the question.


Ericsii commented 7 months ago

Other types of lidar support will be updated in recent days

LTHlidar commented 7 months ago

I successfully ran fast LIO2 using the Outster LiDAR topic.

Previously, the following error occurred when running Fast lio2. [laser_mapping] : New publisher discovered on topic '/ouster/imu', offering incompatible QoS. No messages will be sent to it. Last incompatible policy: RELIABILITY_QOS_POLICY

in laserMapping.cpp sub_pcl_pc_ = this->create_subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2>(lid_topic, 10, standard_pcl_cbk) need to be fixed to sub_pcl_pc_ = this->create_subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2>(lid_topic, rclcpp::SensorDataQoS(), standard_pcl_cbk)

If the QOS settings of lidar publish topic and fast lio subscriber are different(ex : RELIABILITY or Best_effort), the ouster topic is not subscribed. I haven't analyzed the data exactly, but it seems to work well with ouster lidar.

LTHlidar commented 7 months ago

And I don't know why, but I need to paste the code from mid360.yaml file into ouster64.yaml and replace it with the right code for ouster64.yaml, then fast lio 2 will run without error. I'm not an expert, so I don't know the exact solution, but I'm commenting in case it helps. Thanks (I think it's probably due to the different systems the files were created on).

Ericsii commented 7 months ago

And I don't know why, but I need to paste the code from mid360.yaml file into ouster64.yaml and replace it with the right code for ouster64.yaml, then fast lio 2 will run without error.

This is because I only migrated mid360.yaml to ros2, ouster and other lidars are not migrated yet.

Ericsii commented 6 months ago

Other lidar support is added. You can have a try.