Closed TZECHIN6 closed 3 months ago
Could you provide your bag file? So that I can test it on my environment
Let me find the bag and send it to you. Any way I could share it to you?
You can use any cloud storage you like to share
I have reopened this issue. The save map takes very long (I believes it is freezed). The rosbag is created by real livox lidar with official driver.
thomas@UN1290-059:~/Code/FAST-LIO_ws$ ros2 launch fast_lio config_file:=mid360.yaml
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/thomas/.ros/log/2024-08-07-10-20-58-199187-UN1290-059-48972
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [fastlio_mapping-1]: process started with pid [48973]
[INFO] [rviz2-2]: process started with pid [48975]
[rviz2-2] Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
[fastlio_mapping-1] [INFO] [1722997258.329762274] [laser_mapping]: p_pre->lidar_type 1
[fastlio_mapping-1] Multi thread started
[fastlio_mapping-1] ~~~~/home/thomas/Code/FAST-LIO_ws/src/FAST_LIO_ROS2/ file opened
[fastlio_mapping-1] [INFO] [1722997258.335711391] [laser_mapping]: Node init finished.
[fastlio_mapping-1] IMU Initial Done
[fastlio_mapping-1] [WARN] [1722997258.485259771] [laser_mapping]: No point, skip this scan!
[rviz2-2] [INFO] [1722997258.508096766] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[rviz2-2] [INFO] [1722997258.508150899] [rviz2]: OpenGl version: 4.6 (GLSL 4.6)
[rviz2-2] [INFO] [1722997258.523257739] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[fastlio_mapping-1] [INFO] [1722997258.586109962] [laser_mapping]: Initialize the map kdtree
[fastlio_mapping-1] [INFO] [1722997271.342311890] [laser_mapping]: Saving map to ./test.pcd...
@Ericsii The ros2bag is uploaded to below link, please let me know if you could not download it. Great thanks for your help.!AvsFv5difaf3iSF8UsgJ3Xz07Thh?e=TpGmAT
Sorry for keep pushing this post... I am not sure which part of the setup is wrong that lead to such very long time or freezed saving (cannot be saved). I have tried to install the official FAST-LIO (ROS2) and the livox_ros_driver2, with minimal config changed (ip address and multi-topic). Still cannot save the map successfully.
You can try to add a voxel grid downsample filter before saving the map in this function:
BTW the official FAST-LIO ROS2 version is merged from this repo, so the behavior of both should be the same.
Thanks for the help... actually I found the .pcd file is generated, even through the console is saying saving the map...
Is it normal or the message should be map save done
This is because the process of saving the pcd file is not complete yet
But the result in pcl_viewer seem fine.... well, I will close this issue for now. If the generated SLAM pointcloud could not be used, I will reopen this later on. Thanks.
First of all, this rosbag is recorded from the gazebo and the simulated LiDAR is the MID360 from Livox. When I triggered the service, it said saving map... however, I have waited for a while and it still at saving stage. If I close the FAST-LIO, the map will be lose.
I believe the data size of the rosbag is not very big, just few minutes. And when I use the real LiDAR, the map can be saved without issue.
I have closed the simulator and just let the rosbag to play.