Ericsson / .allstar

OpenSSF Allstar configuration for Ericsson Github org
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Branch protection config error. #3

Open jeffmendoza opened 6 months ago

jeffmendoza commented 6 months ago

@gkunz Allstar is throwing an error on this line here

"json: cannot unmarshal bool into Go struct field OrgConfig.requireStatusChecks of type []branch.StatusCheck"

Here is the documentation for that field

// RequireStatusChecks is a list of status checks that are required in
    // order to merge into the protected branch. Each entry must specify
    // the context, and optionally an appID.
    Require[StatusCheck]( []StatusCheck `json:"requireStatusChecks"`

Some docs

So it should be something like this:

- context: DCO
  appID: 123
- context: continuous-integration/travis-ci
gkunz commented 6 months ago

Hi @jeffmendoza, thanks a lot! I noticed my mistake that this option is a list rather than a bool and removed it from the configuration for now. I am currently still working on a sample config that I understand and could role out across the org. I am currently a bit puzzled by the fact that Allstar still complains about the branch protection policy, but I keep debugging my config.