Ericsson / CodeCheckerEclipsePlugin

This is an Eclipse plugin that shows C/C++ static analysis results found by Clang Static Analyzer and Clang Tidy
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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after removing the log file it is never recreated #50

Closed dkrupp closed 8 years ago

dkrupp commented 8 years ago

If the codechecker log file is removed, it is never recreated.

whisperity commented 8 years ago

Are you sure? I have taken the following steps:

  1. Start Eclipse, do some work, do some checking, etc. Log files are present, written.
  2. Delete the log folder: rm -r logs
  3. Continue to do some work. Log files are not created – the Linux filesystem works this way, if you delete a file which is getting written to, the handle is still present but the output is like writing to /dev/null
  4. Totally restart Eclipse. The logs folder and a new file is created properly.

In which case do you wish the log file to be recreated or experience that it is not?

dkrupp commented 8 years ago

In my eclipse, neither the logs directory nor the files are recreated once they were removed. I removed them, when eclipse was not running. they are never recreated.

whisperity commented 8 years ago

It might be a third-party issue. Could you please do the following to test? (Needless to say these steps are DESTRUCTIVE to an already existing work environment!)

  1. Remove Eclipse, completely. This involves deleting the installed Eclipse release and the workspace(s).
  2. Remove the CodeChecker configuration files from CodeChecker-natured projects. Iterate every project which was given a CodeChecker nature and you will need to remove the following files: .cproject, .project and the .settings folder, recursively.
  3. Remove the directories ~/.p2 and ~/.m2 – these are where third-party dependencies are stored.
  4. Totally reinstall Eclipse, redownload and rebuild the plugin.

After that, it should be tested. On my and @Locutus18's computers this bug was seemingly never encountered.

dkrupp commented 8 years ago

logs directory is created in the current workdir where the eclipse executable is started. instead create the logs directory in the actual workspace

whisperity commented 8 years ago

With this discovery, this issue is now related to #46.