Ericsson / CodeCheckerEclipsePlugin

This is an Eclipse plugin that shows C/C++ static analysis results found by Clang Static Analyzer and Clang Tidy
Eclipse Public License 1.0
32 stars 13 forks source link

Create CodeChecker Console #54

Closed Locutus18 closed 8 years ago

Locutus18 commented 8 years ago

Create CodeChecker Console, because to easily show certain information to the user. Fixes #53

dkrupp commented 8 years ago

Log to the console the following events:

  1. CodeChecker command when the server is started.
  2. CodeChecker command when the checking is started.
  3. The event when the checking is finished
  4. The event when the results are queried from the server (and updated in the GUI).