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Bumpy road complexity metrics #714

Closed dbukki closed 2 months ago

dbukki commented 4 months ago

Fixes #684


The bumpy road metric of a function is computed as the function's total bumpiness divided by the number of statements considered. The total bumpiness of a function is the sum of the depth of each considered statement, where depth is the level of the statement's indentation. (How many parent scopes does it have?)

bumpy_road(F) = ( SUM {s in S} (depth(s)) ) / count(S)

where S is the set of considered statements in function F.

Note: Functions with count(S)=0 are considered empty. In this case the result of the formula is 1.


The bumpy road metric only considers

when traversing the AST. Anything else (e.g. labels, sub-expressions, ...) is not counted towards this metric.


For every function F, let max(D) be the depth of its deepest statement. The bumpy road metric of F falls within the range:

[1, max(D)]



In order to integrate this metric into CodeCompass, the total bumpiness and statement count had to be computed during parsing (since we do not store the necessary statement info in the database that the metrics plugin could utilize).

For these values, the CppFunction table now has two extra fields: bumpiness and statementCount. The metrics parser is then responsible for computing the quotient that makes up the final metric.

In the parser, most of our existing Traverse* functions had to be restructured. As this also impacted existing features (notably: McCabe and destructor usage via statement stacks), some refactoring also had to be done to ensure they still work like before.

Instead of the old template decorator approach, we now use scope objects (StatementScope, TypeScope, EnumScope, FunctionScope, CtxStmtScope and ScopedValue) to perform pre- and post- actions around Base::Traverse* calls with their ctors and dtors. Combined with some further generalizations at the root TraverseDecl and TraverseStmt functions, this not only reduces the number of specialized Traverse* functions (which usually contained duplicate bodies), but also shortens/condenses the code of the parser.

In order to be able to track nested statements, scopes, and therefore the depth of the current statement during traversal, a new _stmtStack member has been introduced to the parser. This member is of a special StatementStack type that is built up from StatementScope objects (one per each statement during traversal) to form the "parent chain" of the currently inspected statement. Individual statement scopes can then be further configured by the specialized Traverse* functions to describe how that particular statement affects the depth of further statements on the stack. (Note: I did my best to add documentation/comments to the non-trivial parts of each scope type.) With this new mechanism, the old _mcCabeStack and _statements stacks could be successfully folded into this logic, thus further reducing complexity (and unnecessary duplication of the same statement stack pattern).


Unit tests for bumpy road have been added into to the test directory. Test cases have been written in a similar style as with the McCabe metric. Further McCabe test cases have also been added to check previously untested cases that I have discovered during my attempts at manual regression testing.

dbukki commented 4 months ago

For reference, here is a list of McCabe and bumpy road metrics exported from the Xerces-C project using the current state: xerces-bumpyroad.log xerces-mccabe.log

dbukki commented 3 months ago

I found an interesting phenomenon in the parser:

In C++, we know that records and functions can be either just a declaration or an actual definition. However, our policy towards storing these in the parsed database is very different:

Essentially, this means that:

  1. The following code persists only one CppRecord entity in the database (but 3 CppAstNode entities for each declaration):
    class A;
    class A {};
    class A;
  2. The following code persists no CppRecord entities in the database at all (only the 3 CppAstNode entities):
    class NoDef0;
    class NoDef1;
    class NoDef2;
  3. The following code persists 3 different (!) CppFunction entities in the database (along with the 3 CppAstNode entities):
    void f();
    void f() {}
    void f();

    Note: The 3 different CppFunction entities are nearly identical in content, with the exception of fields computed from the function's body (e.g. mccabe and bumpiness metrics). The metrics fields of the declaration entities will retain their default values assigned in VisitFunctionDecl; only the definition (which has the body) will contain the actual metrics.

As far as I can see:

The "multiple function entities" problem is also the root cause of why the McCabe and BumpyRoad tests fail for functions that are declared more than once: For such functions, _db->query_value<model::CppFunction>(...) runs into an assert as the query yields more than one results for the given name, out of which only one is truly meaningful.

I tried resolving this ambiguity by applying the same logic to functions as what we already utilize with records. In my local branch, I added a guard condition to only store the CppFunction entity for the definition. However, this actually causes an existing test (namely: CppParserTest::FunctionDeclarationOnly) to fail. So this got me confused, and I now see two possibilities:

  1. Either this "multiple function entities" phenomenon is the actual proper/expected behavior, and this test is right. That would mean that there has been reason in the past (and still is) to retain the current behavior and have a CppFunction record for every declaration of a function. But then by design, this also means that the metrics-related fields are also stored for each declaration, even though they have no true meaning there, which raises a database design concern.
  2. Or, both our current policy for function storage and this test are wrong, and we should instead fix the database to only store every function entity once. By extension, this would cause functions without a definition to have no CppFunction entity stored in the database (as is already the case with records in Scenario 2). Thus the meaning of the FunctionDeclarationOnly test would have to change, but metrics (and relevant function info) would only be stored for every function once.

The second option seems like the more rational alternative to me, both from a database design perspective, and from a metrics-query perspective. It would also cut back on the size of the CppFunction table, which apparently contains a lot of "duplicates" right now. But I don't know if this problem deserves an issue ticket of its own or not. I am also uncertain about the regressions this second option would introduce, so I definitely don't want to rush ahead with the development until the situation is clear.

@mcserep Could you advise me on which of the above two options is the correct approach?

mcserep commented 3 months ago

@dbukki As we discussed yesterday on the weekly meeting, please continue as follows:

  1. Do not deal with the found multiple function entities issue in this PR. Instead implement a simple solution, which can be used, e.g.:
    • either insert the correct metric value for each CppFunction record; or
    • insert the value only for the definition record.
  2. Handle the multiple CppFunction issue in a separate PR, see #720.
intjftw commented 2 months ago

If I execute incremental parsing on a project, parsing fails immediately with a segmentation fault. @dbukki can you please check if this is coming from your modifications?

dbukki commented 2 months ago

If I execute incremental parsing on a project, parsing fails immediately with a segmentation fault. @dbukki can you please check if this is coming from your modifications?

I checked the current master (8e84d84e29a0cec6cb0af9f6dcc587ea9ff34480) and the segfault is also present there. I put some logging into various places, including the constructor of ClangASTVisitor, and no logs are printed before the segfault happens. This leads me to believe that the crash happens at a much earlier step, long before any actual C++ parsing can take place.

In any case, this is a separate problem. I have opened an issue for it:

mcserep commented 2 months ago

I checked the current master (8e84d84) and the segfault is also present there. I put some logging into various places, including the constructor of ClangASTVisitor, and no logs are printed before the segfault happens. This leads me to believe that the crash happens at a much earlier step, long before any actual C++ parsing can take place.

In any case, this is a separate problem. I have opened an issue for it: #735

@dbukki I have checked and branch release/gershwin is not affected by this bug, so it is highly likely to be related to the cppmetrics plugin, as that is the only new plugin in the upcoming release with a parser component. Nevertheless, it should be investigated in a separate issue (#735), as it is not directly related to the bumpy road metric.

mcserep commented 1 month ago

@dbukki The bumpy road metrics was not added to the service.

Thrift interface:

Service implementation:

Please add this to the codebase in a new fixing PR, so the bumpy road metric become queryable through the web API.