EricssonResearch / openwebrtc

A cross-platform WebRTC client framework based on GStreamer
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Ensuring proper iOS audio/video quality for video conferencing #260

Open ijsf opened 9 years ago

ijsf commented 9 years ago

Summarizing multiple related problems into this ticket for now.

I have been testing the local video capturing in the iOS build of OpenWebRTC on an iPad Mini Gen 1 (armv7) using

A-side: iOS 8.1.3, iPad Mini Gen 1 B-side: Chrome 41.0.2272.76 (64-bit) on OS X 10.10

Currently, there are some serious quality issues with the video that have to be solved in order for OpenWebRTC to be useful for video conferencing:

sdroege commented 9 years ago

Well, it will also currently not work properly because we use intervideo* and didn't implement my plan yet :) But other than that, what you describe there would and should work.

ikonst commented 9 years ago

Oh, I've just noticed that we in fact first try to get a CVPixelBufferRef from frame->input_buffer, and only failing that we resort to reconstructing it.

Are we losing the meta due to the intervideo*?

  meta = gst_buffer_get_core_media_meta (frame->input_buffer);
  if (meta != NULL) {
    pbuf = gst_core_media_buffer_get_pixel_buffer (frame->input_buffer);
#ifdef HAVE_IOS
  if (pbuf == NULL) {
    /* FIXME: iOS has special stride requirements that we don't know yet.
     * Copy into a newly allocated pixelbuffer for now. Probably makes
     * sense to create a buffer pool around these at some point.
ijsf commented 9 years ago

Will probably submit my orc patch upstream tomorrow.

superdump commented 9 years ago


ikonst commented 9 years ago

Summing up my "iOS intolerable overhead" research so far:

== avfvideosrc ==

Summing up:

== vtenc_h264 ==

stefanalund commented 9 years ago

Out of curiosity: are these % improvements for this specific component or the CPU usage reduction in the full app? In any case, this is much appreciated!

ikonst commented 9 years ago

@stefanalund - my "iOS intolerable overhead" project is not running OWR, but rather trying to single out specific pipeline subsets one at a time, and test:

ijsf commented 9 years ago

@superdump orc patch has been submitted at

ikonst commented 9 years ago

In – I've restored the iOS Core Video drawing as OpenGL textures. Performance is:

Both measurements done with my setjmp/longjmp avfvideosrc :-) If anyone is curious about it:

superdump commented 9 years ago

@ijsf - excellent work!

@ikonst - and how do those compare to your iOS SDK test apps? Maybe the platform does more processing for one camera than the other?

ikonst commented 9 years ago

@superdump - just tested -- on my iOS tesp app, the front and back camera render both at 15% CPU with the following code:

-(void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection {
    [connection setVideoOrientation:AVCaptureVideoOrientationPortrait];
    CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer = (CVPixelBufferRef)CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer);
    CIImage *image = [CIImage imageWithCVPixelBuffer:pixelBuffer];
    [self->coreImageContext drawImage:image inRect:[image extent] fromRect:[image extent]];

My thoughts:

1) It's amazing how much easier this is in the pure no-extra-SDK approach. 2) We probably do something crappy in glimagesink. 3) Our glimagesink is still broken for video rotation and there's no end in sight. Moreover, notice how easy it was in iOS — [connection setVideoOrientation:AVCaptureVideoOrientationPortrait]; 4) Even that's not something you'd typically do, since iOS has AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer to render camera preview through the composition engine at zero CPU cost to you.

superdump commented 9 years ago

That's an odd case then. One more for the todo list. Thanks for the info.

GStreamer is a cross-platform, very flexible framework. I don't think it is at all surprising that it takes a bit of work to be able to work both generically and effectively within GStreamer. It is really worth it though. Your efforts are helping a lot to get there. Thank you.

1) It's not much code in a simple GStreamer app either when the elements are optimised like AVFoundation is.

2) Probably.

3) It's not broken, there are other GL elements that can do that. It's more modular. You can plug in effective GL rotation even if you're not displaying.

4) See 3), I think.

ikonst commented 9 years ago

3) There's gltransformation but it requires Graphene so we don't build it (yet?). On iOS, though, I've just realized orientation at-capture-time is hardware-accelerated. Just submitted -

4) Oh, AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer is a different beast. It keeps working even when your pause with a debugger, since it's done on the OS level.

superdump commented 9 years ago

3) cool.

4) Do Apple expose that for others to use?

ikonst commented 9 years ago

4) I guess it's only as customizable as the docs say. Maybe you can apply transforms on the layer -- I haven't tested.

It's the way to go when you're writing a photo app, or a video preview. Probably a more energy-efficient path than having callbacks in your app. If you need to instagram-process your video before displaying, Apple is kind enough to expose Core Image (and GL textures).

superdump commented 9 years ago

If you can keep everything on the GPU, you can use a GL shader with the glshader element.

ikonst commented 9 years ago

Ah, nice. Wish I knew more about writing shaders, though I guess something as simple as rotation is as easy as exchanging coordinates in a texture-mapping shader.

Anyway, Apple has setVideoOrientation: and if Android has its own thing, I guess we'll be good?

Whoever's an expert on GL, though, have a look at the Xcode OpenGL ES instrument -- it shows some inefficiencies with the glimagesink.

ijsf commented 9 years ago

Yeah, like I mentioned in there are some inefficiencies there, but I don't expect these to be significant.

ikonst commented 9 years ago

Testing latency on iOS:

Latency Pipeline
33ms avfvideosrc | fakesink
33ms avfvideosrc ! video/x-raw(memory:GLMemory),format=RGBA,width=1280,height=720,framerate=30/1 ! glimagesink enable-last-sample=0
66ms to 100ms avfvideosrc ! vtenc_h264
100ms to 130ms ... ! h264parse disable-passthrough=TRUE
100ms to 130ms ... ! rtph264pay
100ms to 130ms ... ! rtpbin.send_rtp_sink_0

(And upon trying to insert " queue ! " in there, latency jumprockets.)

Anyway, I think all of this is dubious and GStreamer MUST get a base source class for elements that can work in a callback-driven fashion from another thread – without queues and definitely without setjmp/longjmps :) It's perhaps a different take on a "pull" element, since the dispatch thread is "pulling" from the element -- but then pushing it onwards. Anyway, maybe a model like this might work.

About the queues, this is not my whim nor an iOS weirdness. I think it makes a lot of sense when you take a mobile CPU (2 cores) with a mobile OS, probably oriented towards energy efficiency. We clearly have the OS already doing queueing for us (libdispatch), and we come in and add another queue (merely to migrate to another thread, not for parallelization or anything). I don't think we should optimize, uh, things like "getting properties from elements", but as for the data pipeline, it should give every drop of performance — especially since GStreamer is a framework. Wasting CPU time frivolously is an app developer's prerogative.

The queue-elimination will apply to:

Actually in vtenc_h264, we have an async queue that does something even stranger. It will wait for the next frame most of the time, since it'll check the queue right after submitting the frame for compression.

Also, we're losing on hardware acceleration:

Anyway, that's just my 2c.

superdump commented 9 years ago

@sdroege @alessandrod

superdump commented 9 years ago

How did you measure the latencies?

stefanalund commented 9 years ago

This bug surely affects overall performance Quite noticeable when running NativeDemo between two iPhones. In good lighting conditions the video runs pretty smooth, but as soon as the lighting is worse the video takes a big hit, including significant CPU increase.

ikonst commented 9 years ago

By periodically sending query_latency to the pipeline.

superdump commented 9 years ago

@ikonst - so that means that avfvideosrc reports 33ms latency (1 frame at 30fps I guess), vtenc_h264 reports 1-2 frames of latency (33-66ms), h264parse reports 1 frame of latency. The latencies are likely reported based on constraints of how the elements work rather than the actual amount of time they spend processing a buffer.

Also, which latency value is that from the query? They have specific meanings - . The min-latency dictates the amount of latency used during synchronisation - .

Now, note that sync is not enabled for nicesink as you want to send the data out to the network as soon as it is ready. Therefore the reported latencies do not really matter in the encoding chain as there is no latency compensation when sync=FALSE on the sink.

ijsf commented 9 years ago

@stefanalund I seriously doubt #96 has anything to do with performance. This bug has been fixed for a while in my fork as you can see in #243. The problem there is the min/max video capture framerate.

@ikonst As far as patches not being accepted upstream.. do you at least have the patches in your fork?

ikonst commented 9 years ago

@superdump Oh, I see now. So my methodology was flawed. I was actually wondering how come the latency numbers are so perfectly rounded :) Is there a way to ask how much time, on average, a buffer spends between source and sink?

Now, note that sync is not enabled for nicesink as you want to send the data out to the network as soon as it is ready.

I tried udpsink sync=0, and now video is nearly like Facetime, but audio is out of sync (assuming glimagesink and osxaudiosink are also sync=0 on the Mac side).

@ijsf I have my on-disk repository, and I upload git am-applicable patches to Bugzilla when I feel they're ready. But tbh, my incentive is to improve GStreamer.

superdump commented 9 years ago

You can see in a GST_DEBUG log of GST_SCHEDULING:7 when a buffer is passed from one element to the next. As far as I know, that is the only way to follow buffers through a pipeline. Note that messages start from the beginning of a thread with calling the next element's chain function and then when they get to the end of the thread they return saying that the chain function was called. The thread context pointer (right?) is also printed as part of each log message. You can look at the buffer pointers and timestamps and take differences to see how long a buffer spent in a specific element. There's some improved tracing work going on in GStreamer that will help this kind of end to end performance measurement. One can always write a script to parse the log, measure the differences and create graphs though.

With regard to sync, that's why RTP packets have timestamps and RTCP sender reports have a reference time for an RTP packet timestamp. These are used to keep RTP streams in sync. The evaluation of the behaviours of the remote clock according to the RTP stream and the local clock for a GStreamer receiver is done in rtp jitterbuffer.

About the patches that are not acceptable upstream - did you get any suggestions for how to fix the issues you're observing in The Right Way, given that your patches were rejected?

ijsf commented 9 years ago

@ikonst If you'd use a local fork as "playground" as I am doing we could turn this into a collaborative effort before things get pushed upstream where needed.

ijsf commented 9 years ago

Just noticed the use of libvpx deadlines in gstvp8enc.c and gstvp8dec.c, and the availability of the VPX_DL_REALTIME deadline setting in libvpx, which I believe is not used in OpenWebRTC.

VPX_DL_REALTIME sets the encoding + decoding deadlines to the minimum possible (1), this might help with performance issues. Will test now by hardcoding the deadlines to this value.

ijsf commented 9 years ago


I can see "deadline" is actually being set at for the encoder. This is correct.

The "deadline" at the decoder side is actually set at 0 and should be fixed to 1 instead.

ijsf commented 9 years ago

Appropriate patches:, and

Also found vp8 encoder discrepancies between WebRTC reference and those used in OpenWebRTC/gstreamer. I have corrected these here:


  1. Performance (received video on iOS and received video on Chrome) seems very good.
  2. Delay received video on iOS is small and no longer an issue.
  3. Delay received video on Chrome is about 5 seconds (from the beginning on) and doesn't seem to be increasing.

As far as (3) goes, I'm still seeing warnings once at the beginning of the video call:

0:00:20.999593000   650  0x2036638 WARN           dtlssrtpdemux gstdtlssrtpdemux.c:137:sink_chain:<dtls-srtp-demux> received invalid buffer: 1
0:00:22.010325000   650  0x2036638 WARN           dtlssrtpdemux gstdtlssrtpdemux.c:137:sink_chain:<dtls-srtp-demux> received invalid buffer: 1
0:00:24.476797000   650  0x2036638 WARN         rtpjitterbuffer rtpjitterbuffer.c:449:calculate_skew: resync to time 0:00:07.192839000, rtptime 10:25:22.323788888
ijsf commented 9 years ago

Reduced OPUS load down even further by enabling the following options on opusenc:

audio-type: voice
complexity: 5 ( default for mobile, opusenc defaults to 10)

See and

Following improvements are still priority:

superdump commented 9 years ago

@ijsf how much difference does voice make? I'm wondering if it significantly reduces quality because it only enables the speech coding portion of Opus instead of also the transform portion. That should be very visible according to the bitrate I think. If so, we shouldn't use that unless it's for a voice only application. We can change the complexity though - is that a property?

superdump commented 9 years ago

Yes, it is a property. You can make a PR for the complexity part and I'll land it.

ijsf commented 9 years ago

@superdump Still waiting for the currently open pull request for VP8 to fall through.

I think the voice type is especially beneficial for cases where the audio quality is cranked down (e.g. for performance reasons). I've also seen celt/fft parts taking up a portion of the performance in the profiler, so assumed that this was a Good Thing to do. I agree though that this may be limiting for some WebRTC applications.

stefanalund commented 9 years ago

I would go for the "lower CPU load / lower quality" option at this point.