EricssonResearch / openwebrtc

A cross-platform WebRTC client framework based on GStreamer
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NativeCall example crashes on Samsung Galaxy Note5 #660

Open nsnxgpsf opened 7 years ago

nsnxgpsf commented 7 years ago

Hi, I ran the NativeCall example on a Samsung Galaxy Note5 and it crashed as soon as I pressed on the Join button. It seems that it could not create the camera. However I made sure that the camera application that comes with the phone works. I even rebooted the device before launching the example.

Log below:

11-23 11:41:18.240 9488-9513/ E/gstandroidvideosrc: VCD_gatherMediaSupport ERROR: Could not create camera 11-23 11:41:18.240 9488-9513/ E/gstandroidvideosrc: VCD_open: ERROR: Failed to gather media support for device. Could not open device. 11-23 11:41:18.240 9488-9513/ E/gstandroidvideosrc: gst_android_video_source_change_state: ERROR: Could not change state 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: JNI CallStaticIntMethod called with pending exception java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at void android.hardware.Camera.(int) ( 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at android.hardware.Camera ( 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] in call to CallStaticIntMethod 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] "Thread-190" prio=10 tid=19 Runnable 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d6a280 self=0xee805700 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | sysTid=9513 nice=-11 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf399e930 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=5 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | stack=0xf38a2000-0xf38a4000 stackSize=1014KB 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00371bd7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 00351199 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0025b30b /system/lib/ (ZN3art9JavaVMExt8JniAbortEPKcS2+742) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 0025b9e5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt9JniAbortVEPKcS2_St9va_list+64) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 000fd391 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck6AbortFEPKcz+32) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 001024a5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck5CheckERNS_18ScopedObjectAccessEbPKcPNS_12JniValueTypeE.constprop.95+5072) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 00110dbf /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI11CallMethodVEPKcP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP7_jclassP10_jmethodIDSt9va_listNS_9Primitive4TypeENS_10InvokeTypeE+674) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #07 pc 00111909 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI19CallStaticIntMethodEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP10_jmethodIDz+44) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #08 pc 0010f47d /data/app/ (VCD_getNumberOfCameras+88) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #09 pc 00111003 /data/app/ (VCD_open+158) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #10 pc 0010b827 /data/app/ (gst_android_video_source_change_state+142) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #11 pc 00440677 /data/app/ (gst_element_change_state+18) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #12 pc 00440a03 /data/app/ (gst_element_set_state_func+334) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #13 pc 0042ca67 /data/app/ (gst_bin_change_state_func+1982) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #14 pc 004574e3 /data/app/ (gst_pipeline_change_state+266) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #15 pc 00440677 /data/app/ (gst_element_change_state+18) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #16 pc 00440a03 /data/app/ (gst_element_set_state_func+334) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #17 pc 002197bb /data/app/ (owr_local_media_source_request_source+1254) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #18 pc 0020a639 /data/app/ (_owr_media_source_request_source+72) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #19 pc 0021a79d /data/app/ (maybe_start_renderer+88) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #20 pc 0021ac55 /data/app/ (set_source+216) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #21 pc 00562e37 /data/app/ (g_main_context_dispatch+206) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #22 pc 00562fdd /data/app/ (g_main_context_iterate.isra.27+248) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #23 pc 00563285 /data/app/ (g_main_loop_run+204) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #24 pc 00208e3f /data/app/ (owr_run+54) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #25 pc 00208ead /data/app/ (owr_run_thread_func+76) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #26 pc 00577e09 /data/app/ (g_thread_proxy+80) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #27 pc 0003fc63 /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #28 pc 0001a39b /system/lib/ (start_thread+6) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames) 11-23 11:41:18.360 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] Runtime aborting... 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] Aborting thread: 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] "Thread-190" prio=10 tid=19 Native 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d6a280 self=0xee805700 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | sysTid=9513 nice=-11 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf399e930 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=8 stm=5 core=4 HZ=100 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | stack=0xf38a2000-0xf38a4000 stackSize=1014KB 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | held mutexes= "abort lock" 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00371bd7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 00351199 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread4DumpERNSt3113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 00333fb9 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art10AbortState10DumpThreadERNSt3113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEPNS_6ThreadE+28) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00334257 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEv+566) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 000f476b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10LogMessageD2Ev+2226) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0025b635 /system/lib/ (ZN3art9JavaVMExt8JniAbortEPKcS2+1552) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 0025b9e5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt9JniAbortVEPKcS2_St9va_list+64) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #07 pc 000fd391 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck6AbortFEPKcz+32) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #08 pc 001024a5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck5CheckERNS_18ScopedObjectAccessEbPKcPNS_12JniValueTypeE.constprop.95+5072) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #09 pc 00110dbf /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI11CallMethodVEPKcP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP7_jclassP10_jmethodIDSt9va_listNS_9Primitive4TypeENS_10InvokeTypeE+674) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #10 pc 00111909 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI19CallStaticIntMethodEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP10_jmethodIDz+44) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #11 pc 0010f47d /data/app/ (VCD_getNumberOfCameras+88) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #12 pc 00111003 /data/app/ (VCD_open+158) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #13 pc 0010b827 /data/app/ (gst_android_video_source_change_state+142) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #14 pc 00440677 /data/app/ (gst_element_change_state+18) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #15 pc 00440a03 /data/app/ (gst_element_set_state_func+334) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #16 pc 0042ca67 /data/app/ (gst_bin_change_state_func+1982) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #17 pc 004574e3 /data/app/ (gst_pipeline_change_state+266) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #18 pc 00440677 /data/app/ (gst_element_change_state+18) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #19 pc 00440a03 /data/app/ (gst_element_set_state_func+334) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #20 pc 002197bb /data/app/ (owr_local_media_source_request_source+1254) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #21 pc 0020a639 /data/app/ (_owr_media_source_request_source+72) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #22 pc 0021a79d /data/app/ (maybe_start_renderer+88) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #23 pc 0021ac55 /data/app/ (set_source+216) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #24 pc 00562e37 /data/app/ (g_main_context_dispatch+206) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #25 pc 00562fdd /data/app/ (g_main_context_iterate.isra.27+248) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #26 pc 00563285 /data/app/ (g_main_loop_run+204) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #27 pc 00208e3f /data/app/ (owr_run+54) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #28 pc 00208ead /data/app/ (owr_run_thread_func+76) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #29 pc 00577e09 /data/app/ (g_thread_proxy+80) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #30 pc 0003fc63 /system/lib/ (_ZL15pthread_startPv+30) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #31 pc 0001a39b /system/lib/ (start_thread+6) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] Pending exception java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at void android.hardware.Camera.(int) ( 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at android.hardware.Camera ( 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] Dumping all threads without appropriate locks held: thread list lock mutator lock 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] All threads: 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] DALVIK THREADS (19): 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] "Thread-190" prio=10 tid=19 Runnable 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d6a280 self=0xee805700 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | sysTid=9513 nice=-11 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf399e930 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=13 stm=9 core=2 HZ=100 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | stack=0xf38a2000-0xf38a4000 stackSize=1014KB 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | held mutexes= "abort lock" "mutator lock"(shared held) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00371bd7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 00351199 /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread4DumpERNSt3113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0035b0b7 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art14DumpCheckpoint3RunEPNS_6ThreadE+446) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 0035bc79 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList13RunCheckpointEPNS_7ClosureE+212) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 0035c1ef /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList4DumpERNSt3113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEE+154) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 003341cd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEv+428) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 000f476b /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10LogMessageD2Ev+2226) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #07 pc 0025b635 /system/lib/ (ZN3art9JavaVMExt8JniAbortEPKcS2+1552) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #08 pc 0025b9e5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt9JniAbortVEPKcS2_St9va_list+64) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #09 pc 000fd391 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck6AbortFEPKcz+32) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #10 pc 001024a5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck5CheckERNS_18ScopedObjectAccessEbPKcPNS_12JniValueTypeE.constprop.95+5072) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #11 pc 00110dbf /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI11CallMethodVEPKcP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP7_jclassP10_jmethodIDSt9va_listNS_9Primitive4TypeENS_10InvokeTypeE+674) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #12 pc 00111909 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI19CallStaticIntMethodEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP10_jmethodIDz+44) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #13 pc 0010f47d /data/app/ (VCD_getNumberOfCameras+88) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #14 pc 00111003 /data/app/ (VCD_open+158) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #15 pc 0010b827 /data/app/ (gst_android_video_source_change_state+142) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #16 pc 00440677 /data/app/ (gst_element_change_state+18) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #17 pc 00440a03 /data/app/ (gst_element_set_state_func+334) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #18 pc 0042ca67 /data/app/ (gst_bin_change_state_func+1982) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #19 pc 004574e3 /data/app/ (gst_pipeline_change_state+266) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #20 pc 00440677 /data/app/ (gst_element_change_state+18) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #21 pc 00440a03 /data/app/ (gst_element_set_state_func+334) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #22 pc 002197bb /data/app/ (owr_local_media_source_request_source+1254) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #23 pc 0020a639 /data/app/ (_owr_media_source_request_source+72) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #24 pc 0021a79d /data/app/ (maybe_start_renderer+88) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #25 pc 0021ac55 /data/app/ (set_source+216) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #26 pc 00562e37 /data/app/ (g_main_context_dispatch+206) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #27 pc 00562fdd /data/app/ (g_main_context_iterate.isra.27+248) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #28 pc 00563285 /data/app/ (g_main_loop_run+204) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #29 pc 00208e3f /data/app/ (owr_run+54) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #30 pc 00208ead /data/app/ (owr_run_thread_func+76) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #31 pc 00577e09 /data/app/ (g_thread_proxy+80) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #32 pc 0003fc63 /system/lib/ (_ZL15pthread_startPv+30) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #33 pc 0001a39b /system/lib/ (start_thread+6) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] "main" prio=10 tid=1 Native 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x7552a2e0 self=0xf4c24500 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | sysTid=9488 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf744eb4c 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=22 stm=7 core=4 HZ=100 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | stack=0xff5f1000-0xff5f3000 stackSize=8MB 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | held mutexes= 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: SyS_epoll_wait+0x2b4/0x36c 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: compat_SyS_epoll_pwait+0xac/0x130 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: sys_trace+0x3c/0x40 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00041098 /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+20) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 0001a6c7 /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+26) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0001a6d5 /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+6) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00012ea3 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper9pollInnerEi+102) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 0001311f /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper8pollOnceEiPiS1_PPv+130) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00087081 /system/lib/ (_ZN7android18NativeMessageQueue8pollOnceEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjecti+22) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 00000575 /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnceJI+96) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at android.os.Looper.loop( 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(Native method) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at$ 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] "Signal Catcher" prio=10 tid=2 WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c4e0a0 self=0xee425700 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | sysTid=9493 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf42c5930 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=4 HZ=100 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | stack=0xf41c9000-0xf41cb000 stackSize=1014KB 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | held mutexes= 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: do_sigtimedwait+0xd8/0x1ac 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: compat_SyS_rt_sigtimedwait+0x94/0xd8 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: sys_trace+0x3c/0x40 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 0004136c /system/lib/ (rt_sigtimedwait+12) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 0001d0ef /system/lib/ (sigwait+22) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 0033aae9 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher13WaitForSignalEPNS_6ThreadERNS_9SignalSetE+76) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 0033c535 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher3RunEPv+260) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 0003fc63 /system/lib/ (_ZL15pthread_startPv+30) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0001a39b /system/lib/ (start_thread+6) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] "JDWP" prio=10 tid=3 WaitingInMainDebuggerLoop 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c510a0 self=0xf4c24f00 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | sysTid=9494 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf41c6930 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=1 stm=1 core=1 HZ=100 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | stack=0xf40ca000-0xf40cc000 stackSize=1014KB 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | held mutexes= 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: poll_schedule_timeout+0x54/0xb8 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: do_select+0x414/0x468 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: compat_core_sys_select+0x160/0x20c 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: compat_sys_pselect6+0x178/0x214 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: __sys_trace+0x3c/0x40 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00041288 /system/lib/ (pselect6+20) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 0001c441 /system/lib/ (select+60) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 00402093 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWP12JdwpAdbState15ProcessIncomingEv+218) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 00267a2f /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWP9JdwpState3RunEv+314) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 002688ad /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWPL15StartJdwpThreadEPv+16) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 0003fc63 /system/lib/ (_ZL15pthread_startPv+30) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #06 pc 0001a39b /system/lib/ (start_thread+6) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] (no managed stack frames) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] "ReferenceQueueDaemon" prio=10 tid=4 Waiting 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c4c640 self=0xf4c24a00 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | sysTid=9495 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf40c7930 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | stack=0xf3fc5000-0xf3fc7000 stackSize=1038KB 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | held mutexes= 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: futex_wait_queue_me+0xd4/0x12c 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: futex_wait+0xd8/0x1cc 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: do_futex+0xc8/0x8d0 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: compat_SyS_futex+0xd0/0x14c 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: sys_trace+0x3c/0x40 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00017694 /system/lib/ (syscall+28) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 000f6d05 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+96) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 002bf87d /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+1144) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 002c05db /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+142) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 002d1e2b /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL11Object_waitEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobject+38) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00000377 /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__+74) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] - waiting on <0x0b2c86f3> (a java.lang.Class) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$ 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] - locked <0x0b2c86f3> (a java.lang.Class) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] "FinalizerDaemon" prio=10 tid=5 Waiting 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c4c6a0 self=0xf4c26300 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | sysTid=9496 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf3fc2930 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | stack=0xf3ec0000-0xf3ec2000 stackSize=1038KB 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] | held mutexes= 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: futex_wait_queue_me+0xd4/0x12c 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: futex_wait+0xd8/0x1cc 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: do_futex+0xc8/0x8d0 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: compat_SyS_futex+0xd0/0x14c 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] kernel: sys_trace+0x3c/0x40 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #00 pc 00017694 /system/lib/ (syscall+28) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #01 pc 000f6d05 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+96) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #02 pc 002bf87d /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+1144) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #03 pc 002c05db /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+142) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #04 pc 002d1e65 /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL13Object_waitJIEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectxi+44) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] native: #05 pc 00000575 /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__JI+96) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] - waiting on <0x0605afb0> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at java.lang.Object.wait( 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove( 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] - locked <0x0605afb0> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue) 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove( 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at java.lang.Daemons$ 11-23 11:41:18.690 9488-9513/ A/art: art/runtime/] at