ErikEJ / EntityFramework6PowerTools

This is the codebase for Entity Framework 6 Power Tools Community Edition, and modern EF 6 providers for SQL Server and SQL Server Compact
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A constructible type deriving from DbContext could not be found in the selected file #14

Closed micheleissa closed 7 years ago

micheleissa commented 7 years ago

Hello, I have my Context deriven from IdentityDbContext which internally inherits from DbContext. Entity Framework menu-item is available when I right-click the Context file. When I try to select View Entity Data Model DDL SQL option I get the error : A constructible type deriving from DbContext could not be found in the selected file According to the readme, the tool works with any type derived from DbContext.


ErikEJ commented 7 years ago

Would be great if you could provide a repro porject

micheleissa commented 7 years ago

See attached Thank you.

ErikEJ commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your repro project - EF Power Tools do not support EF Core! Which "readme" are you referring to?

ErikEJ commented 7 years ago

I see this in the description on MarketPlace:

Useful design-time utilities for EF 6, accessible through the Visual Studio Solution Explorer context menu.

When right-clicking on a file containing a derived DbContext class, the following context menu functions are available: