ErikEJ / EntityFramework6PowerTools

This is the codebase for Entity Framework 6 Power Tools Community Edition, and modern EF 6 providers for SQL Server and SQL Server Compact
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Generate Pre-compiled View Using switch Statement #55

Closed khodaie closed 5 years ago

khodaie commented 5 years ago

The generated view pattern is based on the if statement:

if (extentName == "EntityModelsStoreContainer.Supplier")
         return GetView0();

if (extentName == "EntityModelsStoreContainer.Product")
         return GetView1();

But the switch statement has better performance when the number of conditions is high. So, using switch instead of if can improve the overall performance:

switch(extentName )
  case "EntityModelsStoreContainer.Supplier": return GetView0();
  case "EntityModelsStoreContainer.Product": return GetView0();
ErikEJ commented 5 years ago

This project is open source and acccpts Pull Requests