ErikEJ / EntityFramework6PowerTools

This is the codebase for Entity Framework 6 Power Tools Community Edition, and modern EF 6 providers for SQL Server and SQL Server Compact
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no Generate Views available in context menu #68

Closed wout-de-jong closed 4 years ago

wout-de-jong commented 4 years ago

Hi Erik, I'm new to VS Community 2019, but I don't see the context meny entry mentioned in the Overview when I rightclick on an .edmx file in Solution Explorer (Folder View). Can you help out a bit?


Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.4.5 VisualStudio.16.Release/16.4.5+29806.167 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.03056

Installed Version: Community

C# Tools 3.4.1-beta4-19614-01+165046097562cfe65b09c2e9a9d8f7cd88526f2c C# components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Entity Framework 6 Power Tools 0.9.2 Preview of useful design-time DbContext features, added to the Visual Studio Solution Explorer context menu.

When right-clicking on a file containing a derived DbContext class, the following context menu functions are supported: 1) View Entity Data Model (Read-only) - Displays a read-only view of the Code First model in the Entity Model Designer. 2) View Entity Data Model XML - Displays the EDMX XML representing the underlying Code First model. 3) View Entity Data Model DDL SQL - Displays the DDL SQL corresponding to the SSDL in the underlying EDM Model. 4) Generate Views - Generates pre-compiled views used by the EF runtime to improve start-up performance. Adds the generated views file to the containing project.

When right-clicking on an Entity Data Model (*.edmx) file, the following context menu function is supported: Generate Views - Generates pre-compiled views used by the EF runtime to improve start-up performance. Adds the generated views file to the containing project.

NuGet Package Manager 5.4.0 NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit

ProjectServicesPackage Extension 1.0 ProjectServicesPackage Visual Studio Extension Detailed Info

Visual Basic Tools 3.4.1-beta4-19614-01+165046097562cfe65b09c2e9a9d8f7cd88526f2c Visual Basic components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Visual Studio Code Debug Adapter Host Package 1.0 Interop layer for hosting Visual Studio Code debug adapters in Visual Studio

ErikEJ commented 4 years ago

Is your project an SDK project?

wout-de-jong commented 4 years ago

I don't think so. I started VS and used the Solution Explorer to browse a folder with 2 .edmx files. 1 is an SAP OData v2 service, and the other a Dynamics $metadata file of 22 MB (!).

ErikEJ commented 4 years ago

Please share the first lines of your csproj file

wout-de-jong commented 4 years ago

Erik, I don't have a csproj file. Probably the EF6 Power Tools serve a totally different purpose than my requirement to visualize / view .edmx files. Right?

ErikEJ commented 4 years ago

No, they can do that, but need compiled code in a project in order to do it.

wout-de-jong commented 4 years ago

Not sure if I understand this prerequisite. So a "hello world" cs compilation will suffice?

ErikEJ commented 4 years ago

No, it must include the code generated from the EDMX file

wout-de-jong commented 4 years ago

OK, so it requires a c# project. I managed this by selecting New->Create Project From Existing Code... This might be obvious, but not to me.

Anyway, I see a ..Designer.cs file. I select the .edmx and press Generate Views. I see 3 errors, see below. Can you help out?

1>C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets(86,5): error : Could not find the Conceptual Schema node to embed as a resource for input file '....edmx'.
1>C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets(86,5): error : Could not find the Storage Schema node to embed as a resource for input file '....edmx'.
1>C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets(86,5): error : Could not find the Mapping node to embed as a resource for input file '....edmx'.
ErikEJ commented 4 years ago

No, suggest you ask on Stackoverflow

wout-de-jong commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick replies, Erik.