Closed Doltrix closed 1 year ago
First of all, thanks for pointing these bugs out to me as you hit them! This is really valuable for me. :-)
Fixed with #45. Please re-install KrigR
This was an oversight that had to do with how time sequences were assigned for hour-level records. This issue was introduced with #39. This only affects downloads at TResolution = "hour"
and did not impact any download values in otherly specified outputs.
Hello, I received this error during a download. Why does it happen?
Precip_00_20_hour<-download_ERA( Variable = 'total_precipitation', Type = "reanalysis", DataSet = "era5-land", DateStart = "2000-01-01", DateStop = "2020-12-31", TResolution = "hour", TStep = 1, Extent = extent(-78.83, -77.87, -0.73, 0.34), Buffer = 0.5, Dir = ('E:/'), FileName = 'Precip_00_20_hour', API_Key = 'API_Key', API_Key = 'API_Key', TryDown = 10, verbose = TRUE, Cores =5, TimeOut = 36000)
Checking for known data issues. Loading downloaded data for masking and aggregation. Aggregating to temporal resolution of choice Error: [time<-] length(value) != nlyr(x)