ErikKusch / KrigR

An R Package for downloading, preprocessing, and statistical downscaling of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts ReAnalysis 5 (ERA5) family provided by the European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).
MIT License
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Time window #53

Closed rfsaldanha closed 1 year ago

rfsaldanha commented 1 year ago

Hi! An interesting feature would be the ability to restrain the download function to a certain time window. This will make possible to have daily aggregates for diurnal or nocturnal hours, by example.

Thanks for the package!

ErikKusch commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestion. I have placed it into the development list as seen in the linked issues. I will close this issue now and keep track of implementing this via the other two.

Cheers :-)

ErikKusch commented 5 months ago

Implemented in release v0.2.0.

I do not plan to implement download of specific hours across several days as of right now. I recommend writing wrappers for this purpose or amass support for this feature request here and I may get to it :-D