ErikReider / SwayNotificationCenter

A simple GTK based notification daemon for SwayWM
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.17k stars 60 forks source link

Information for packagers #144

Open ErikReider opened 1 year ago

ErikReider commented 1 year ago

I have no clue how this works in any sort of way so help would be very much appreciated. The main distro would be Arch (due to me primarily using it) and maybe Ubuntu and Fedora (I'll probably need to create a fedora build GitHub Action)

lexa commented 1 year ago

For building Fedora there is already a rpkg spec file: and a copr repo. If you are ok, I could create a Gihub Action to update that copr whenever you push a new version of of SwayNotificationCenter.

You could also push the package in the official Fedora repository, that would be greatly appreciated.

ErikReider commented 1 year ago

I would really appreciate if you could pull it into official Fedora repository though

That would be preferred. Thanks @lexa for maintaining the copr repo :)

lexa commented 1 year ago

That would be preferred.

Sure, but that is rather difficult, especially for such niche package.

ErikReider commented 1 year ago

@lexa Hmmm. Is it possible to change the owner? Would the url change in that case?

alekseifedotov commented 1 year ago

The URL will change if we change the maintainer of the Copr package. I don't think there is such thing as changing the owner on Fedora copr.

ErikReider commented 1 year ago

If you @lexa would be willing to change the maintainer (or any similar option that also changes the URL), I'd be glad to take over it :)

lexa commented 1 year ago

@ErikReider Got really excited about this idea of officially maintained Fedora repo and made a mistake of posting from a wrong account.

I've prepared a PR to add Github Action for updating copr repo automatically:

If you want to take over maintenance over copr, you need to get an account on, as described in the PR.

ErikReider commented 1 year ago

Didn't I do that? I'll check

ErikReider commented 1 year ago

Should be there if I'm not mistaken: image

lexa commented 1 year ago

sorry, overlooked that configuration.

FilippoBonazziSUSE commented 1 year ago

For openSUSE distros, work is ongoing in Hopefully the package will be in Factory (and then Tumbleweed) soon.

werdahias commented 1 year ago

I started work on a debian package which will make its way into the offical repos and ubuntus soon (tm). I need someone to review my work and upload it, then it should be good to go.

ErikReider commented 1 year ago

I need someone to review my work and upload it, then it should be good to go.

Someone like me or a package maintainer for Debian / Ubuntu?

werdahias commented 1 year ago

@ErikReider a package maintaiber for Debian

FilippoBonazziSUSE commented 1 year ago

FYI: The package is now available in openSUSE Tumbleweed, and can be installed with

sudo zypper install SwayNotificationCenter
ErikReider commented 1 year ago

FYI: The package is now available in openSUSE Tumbleweed, and can be installed with

sudo zypper install SwayNotificationCenter

That's awesome! Never actually thought that this project would take off like it's done :))

akhiljalagam commented 1 year ago

I added this to void-package and waiting for it to be merged into their main repo.

ErikReider commented 1 year ago

FYI: The package is now available in openSUSE Tumbleweed, and can be installed with

sudo zypper install SwayNotificationCenter

Sorry for the late reply, updated the README to include installation instructions for OpenSUSE users in 345b4ba

bd-g commented 1 year ago

For Arch, it looks like two things need to happen

1) Popularity metrics need to meet those defined in the Trusted User Guidelines, namely, reaching 1% popularity on pkgstats (currently 0.43) or by getting 10 votes on the AUR (currently at 9, likely the easier option).

2) Somehow finding a Trusted User who will adopt the package. Once popularity is met, we could try and contact a few through official channels (mailing lists, IRC, or the forums), or unofficial channels (Reddit, Twitter/Mastodon).

I'm willing to put work into this if we can get one more AUR vote!

bd-g commented 1 year ago

For Arch, it looks like two things need to happen

1. Popularity metrics need to meet those defined in the [Trusted User Guidelines](,_guidelines_for_package_maintenance), namely, reaching 1% popularity on pkgstats (currently 0.43) or by getting 10 votes on the AUR (currently at 9, likely the easier option).

2. Somehow finding a Trusted User who will adopt the package. Once popularity is met, we could try and contact a few through official channels (mailing lists, IRC, or the forums), or unofficial channels (Reddit, Twitter/Mastodon).

I'm willing to put work into this if we can get one more AUR vote!

In terms of Trusted Users to contact, starting with these three (listed with the current packages they maintain) might be a good idea.

ErikReider commented 1 year ago

For Arch, it looks like two things need to happen

1) Popularity metrics need to meet those defined in the Trusted User Guidelines, namely, reaching 1% popularity on pkgstats (currently 0.43) or by getting 10 votes on the AUR (currently at 9, likely the easier option).

2) Somehow finding a Trusted User who will adopt the package. Once popularity is met, we could try and contact a few through official channels (mailing lists, IRC, or the forums), or unofficial channels (Reddit, Twitter/Mastodon).

I'm willing to put work into this if we can get one more AUR vote!

Is it really that "easy"?! Wow! Would I need to modify the PKGBUILD in any kind of way?

bd-g commented 1 year ago

Is it really that "easy"?! Wow! Would I need to modify the PKGBUILD in any kind of way?

tldr; slight change to build pipeline to release artifacts, and including License and Readme in the package release

I'm just googling around, no expert here, just want to see your project included in community :) but it doesn't seem like too big of a change. For example, look at the official PKGBUILD for swayidle, which is in [community]. I see only three differences.

  1. Slight difference in source files from builds. For example, when swayidle has a release, there are additional artifacts created, e.g. swayidle-1.8.0.tar.gz{.sig}. These are then directly used in the build process. So we might need to alter our release pipeline to produce these artifacts, and then they would get used by the PKGBUILD as below. .
  2. Of course, there are valid pgp keys from the Trusted User - that would get added by the Trusted User who sponsors the project.
  3. Adding the License and ReadMe to the package. I would suggest renaming COPYING to LICENSE to follow convention, and then changing the package in PKGBUILD to something like below
    package() {
        DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" ninja -C build install
        install -Dm644 "$pkgname-$pkgver/LICENSE" -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname"
        install -Dm644 "$pkgname-$pkgver/" -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname"
ErikReider commented 1 year ago

Sounds easy enough! 🤜🪵

bd-g commented 1 year ago

A couple notes:

  1. I'm not sure the best way to produce the signature file on the releases, but I bet the Trusted Users are well versed in that. Could ask them when asking for sponsorship of the package?

  2. Running namcap on the PKGBUILD has this output. Can we remove these dependencies for just arch? Not sure if they are old dependencies or just needed for Fedora, Debian, etc. If you're fine removing them for just the arch build, I could push another commit to #200

    swaync W: Dependency included and not needed ('gobject-introspection')
    swaync W: Dependency included and not needed ('libgee')

Other than that, I think we could just reach out now to the three Trusted Users I listed above. Do you want to do that @ErikReider since it is your package? Great job by the way!

ErikReider commented 1 year ago

I wonder why libgee and gobject-introspection aren't needed. They shouldn't be provided by any other of the dependencies right?

I can reach out to some of them. I'll just need to find some time to do it 😅

MrPenguin07 commented 9 months ago

Someone seems to keep you updated for Gentoo in the guru (semi-official) overlay, currently serving v0.9.0

I made myself a -9999 ebuild for master git, as this is where the action is... anyone else interested holla, otherwise I may see if any maintainer interested in adding it.

ErikReider commented 6 months ago

A heads up: #352 adds sassc as a dependency

FilippoBonazziSUSE commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the heads up, very much appreciated. If you can make sure to explicitly mention this in the release notes once this is released, we can adjust the packaging.

ErikReider commented 6 months ago

Also, gvfs is a new dependency to get MPRIS covers to work: #310

ErikReider commented 6 months ago

Also, just as a safety valac/vala >= 0.56 but shouldn't be that important for your packages


ErikReider commented 5 months ago

New Release! I added the new dependencies to the release notes :)

MrPenguin07 commented 4 months ago

New Release! I added the new dependencies to the release notes :)

Appreciate the heads up re. deps.

Gentoo users may check out my -9999 live git ebuild here; mrpenguin ebuild overlay

FilippoBonazziSUSE commented 4 months ago

Nice one!

A question regarding sassc. Does it mean that we need to change our downstream css files into something else?

ErikReider commented 4 months ago

Nice one!

A question regarding sassc. Does it mean that we need to change our downstream css files into something else?

It's just used to compile the scss file -> regular css so it's only used at build-time. So no, regular css styles work as usual :)