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Write a short piece onn GitHub #4

Open markdeegan opened 7 months ago

markdeegan commented 7 months ago

Write a short piece oin GitHub. THis can be included in your project write-up to show that you have such skills.

ErikasValiu commented 6 months ago

GitHub is a for-profit company that offers a cloud-based Git repository hosting service. Essentially, it makes it a lot easier for individuals and teams to use Git for version control and collaboration.

GitHub’s interface is user-friendly enough so even novice coders can take advantage of Git. Without GitHub, using Git generally requires a bit more technical savvy and use of the command line.

GitHub is so user-friendly, though, that some people even use GitHub to manage other types of projects – like writing books.

To understand exactly what GitHub is, you need to know two connected principles:

Version control - Version control helps developers track and manage changes to a software project’s code. As a software project grows, version control becomes essential. If a core developer wanted to work on one specific part of the codebase, it wouldn’t be safe or efficient to have them directly edit the “official” source code.

Instead, version control lets developers safely work through branching and merging.

With branching, a developer duplicates part of the source code (called the repository). The developer can then safely make changes to that part of the code without affecting the rest of the project.

Then, once the developer gets his or her part of the code working properly, he or she can merge that code back into the main source code to make it official.

All of these changes are then tracked and can be reverted if need be.

all the code and documentation are in one place. This limits issues with access for anyone who wants to contribute to a project. Each repository also contains instructions and other details to help outline project goals and rules.

Git - Git is open-source version control software, used for managing and tracking file revisions. You can use Git with any file type, but it’s most often used for tracking code files.

markdeegan commented 6 months ago

Thanks Erikas. Are these strictly your own words? Or are they borrowed from elsewhre? Or as they a mixture of some sort? I am not suggesting which it may be, but I am trying to get over the question of whether you (and my other students) fully appreciate the significance and value of using your own words. First years certainly don't get it. Fourth year students and third years certainly need to get it, but it comes slowly to some students and quicker to others.

ErikasValiu commented 6 months ago

Hi mark, Ill be honest. no they are not particularly my words, I read over a few articles and pulled info that i understood and deemed useful. Additionally i wanted to make sure i had something for you before wednesday to give you time to look it over instead of submitting something the day before.

Apologies for this. I will do a proper job of this tomorrow.

markdeegan commented 6 months ago

Excellent. Honestly, I really like your answer. So, you are learning a lot here that has nothing to do with the teachincal project. For a start, you put your hand up and declared that 'no, they are not particularly my words', That's a perfect answer because it's honest. I'm not retying to beat you up because of the words you used, or where you got them. I'm not trying to beat you up at all. What I am trying to do, and you appear to understand that, is to get you into the mindset that nobody else's words are ever worth more than your own. As an engineer, you either believe something because you have proved to yourself that it is true, or you're just repeating the words of somebody else. Nowadays, those words could have come from a complete chancer, or from AI or whatever. "I don't know". in your own words is a million times more valuable to you, as an engineer, than any other words that somebody else wrote and that you don't fully buy into. I would rather you left this programme, with a degree, saying "I know nothing" but I am prepared to learn, that that you leave here pretending you know lots of things but really don't. So, thank you.

Another point, is that you wanted to have something for me for tomorrow, wednesday and thursday. Great, I appreciate that attitude, it is very positive. However, I will ask this, and I am asking it to encourage you to keep pushing. How much time have you spent on this project since last we spoke? Does your input above reflect 4 or 6 hours work? I suspect I know the answer, but I ant you t reflect on how much time you can schedule for each of your modules, including this one. Thanks again.

ErikasValiu commented 6 months ago

GitHub is a cloud based website that allows users to collaborate on projects or to share their code.

the company was established in February 8th 2008.

GitHub provides users many useful tools to manage their projects such as,

Easy Project Management project managers can assign tasks to people added to the group and give help to fellow collaborators.

GitHub also makes it easier to track changes and go back to previous versions of a project. To explain this, we’ll need to understand the technology that GitHub is based on, Git, and talk about version control.

What is GIT Git is a version control system that tracks file changes in a computer. github uses this to keep a projects files updated by pushing the files from an assigned folder from a users computer up to the cloud project folder.

What is version control version control is a system that keeps a "version history" for files. this is incase a project loses files or needs to revert to an old version for whatever reasons. version control is a incredible tool for the coding aspect of a Git project, as it allows multiple people to work on the same code, if somebody makes a error or breaks the code it allows the team to revert to an older version.