ErikasValiu / Project-Files

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Write a short piece on OverLeaf #5

Open markdeegan opened 4 months ago

markdeegan commented 4 months ago

Overleaf. LaTex editing, document preparation system

ErikasValiu commented 4 months ago

Overleaf is an online collaborative writing and publishing tool that is specifically designed for creating and editing documents using LaTeX, a typesetting system commonly used for academic and scientific writing. LaTeX allows you to create professional-looking documents, such as research papers, articles, reports, and presentations, with a high degree of typographical quality and precision.

Collaborative Editing: Overleaf enables real-time collaboration on LaTeX documents, allowing multiple authors to work on the same project simultaneously. This is particularly useful for co-authors or students working on group projects.

Version Control: Overleaf tracks changes and revisions made to your documents, allowing you to easily review and revert to previous versions if needed. This feature is especially helpful when working on complex projects or collaborating with others.

Reports and Technical Documents: Overleaf is suitable for writing reports, technical manuals, project documentation, and other documents that require professional formatting.

markdeegan commented 4 months ago

Can you give me a simple example of a 'Hello World' lilke .tex file please?

markdeegan commented 4 months ago

Erikas. I am still waiting for you to provide me with a simple sample file in OverLeaf.

ErikasValiu commented 4 months ago

Hi Mark i understand and apologies. I've been putting some focus into getting aspects of my code to function, i feel really behind in regards to that. i understand that is to my own mismanagement. just thought id let you know where i am at.

ErikasValiu commented 4 months ago

i have uploaded a rudimentary hello world file let me know if there is anything else i need to try for this aspect of the task