Erin-Rooney / Y1_fairbanks

Permafrost and Periglacial Processes Special Issue publication "Topography and canopy cover influence soil carbon composition and distribution across a forested hillslope in the discontinuous permafrost zone"
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Diffractogram patterns file loading and large list to dataframes #5

Closed Erin-Rooney closed 2 years ago

Erin-Rooney commented 2 years ago


For the fairbanks samples, I have more .xy (ASCII) files, so I'm trying to deal with them in better ways that I did with the Healy/Toolik samples. It's not going well, though. Should I give up and do the way I did it before?

I load everything into one big list. It doesn't keep the names. I find a way to bring it in with the names, it only imports six of the files and then it lumps two columns into one column. There are just a ton of problems.