Erkan-Yilmaz / Gridcoin-tasks

tasks, wishes, ideas, ... for the Gridcoin project
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Improve upon client translations! (23 unsupported languages!) #111

Closed grctest closed 7 years ago

grctest commented 7 years ago

I believe that getting the Gridcoin client translated to Chinese (Cantonese/Mandarin) is a high priority - getting added to a Chinese exchange won't happen without language support.

As well as Chinese there are 23 other languages with incomplete translation entries, this is not ok considering our community is distributed around the world. The unsupported languages show '???' throughout the client despite being an available option in the language drop-down menu.

Until we have full translations, I believe it would be far more professional to simply not display unsupported languages within the drop-down menu

Can we get some volunteers to provide translations? It would be major kudos within the community! In the mean time we should consider placing bounties on full translations and look towards similar cryptocurrencies for quick translation inheritance (gives us a head start).

Affected files: Gridcoin:ar ; Blackcoin:ar Gridcoin:be_BY ; Blackcoin:be_BY Gridcoin:bg ; Blackcoin:bg Gridcoin:el_GR ; Blackcoin:el_GR Gridcoin:fa ; Blackcoin:fa Gridcoin:fa_IR ; Blackcoin:fa_IR Gridcoin:he ; Blackcoin:he Gridcoin:hi_IN ; Blackcoin:hi_IN Gridcoin:ja ; Blackcoin:ja Gridcoin:ka ; Blackcoin:ka Gridcoin:kk_KZ ; Blackcoin:kk_KZ Gridcoin:ko_KR ; Blackcoin:ko_KR Gridcoin:ky ; Blackcoin:ky Gridcoin:ro_RO ; Blackcoin:ro_RO Gridcoin:sah ; Blackcoin:sah Gridcoin:sr ; Blackcoin:sr Gridcoin:th_TH ; Blackcoin:th_TH Gridcoin:tr ; Blackcoin:tr Gridcoin:uk ; Blackcoin:uk Gridcoin:ur ; Blackcoin:PK ; Blackcoin:ur ; Blackcoin:PK Gridcoin:vi ; Blackcoin:vi Gridcoin:zh_CN ; Blackcoin:zh_CN Gridcoin:zh_TW ; Blackcoin:zh_TW Gridcoin:fa ; Blackcoin:fa

Reference: (includes non-affected translations) image

PsiPhiTheta commented 7 years ago

Guys I am willing to do the entire french translation. Can someone send me a list of all the words to translate for Gridcoin? (I'll have a look at the Blackcoin translation, review and alter it where necessary)

It looks like French has not been linked in anyway - has it already been done?

grctest commented 7 years ago

Guys I am willing to do the entire french translation. Can someone send me a list of all the words to translate for Gridcoin? (I'll have a look at the Blackcoin translation, review and alter it where necessary)

It looks like French has not been linked in anyway - has it already been done?

It would appear that French has already been translated, you could always perform a review of the translations in an effort to improve existing translations?

Thanks 👍

tomasbrod commented 7 years ago

I am here for the sk_SK translation. Even if only 5 people will actually use it, haha. It is present, but broken. What encoding is being used, Unicode UTF-8? Looks like all ť got replaced by ?.

PsiPhiTheta commented 7 years ago

It would appear that French has already been translated, you could always perform a review of the translations in an effort to improve existing translations?


grctest commented 7 years ago

I am here for the sk_SK translation. Even if only 5 people will actually use it, haha. It is present, but broken. What encoding is being used, Unicode UTF-8? Looks like all ť got replaced by ?.

I believe something similar occurred for the Hungarian translation (fixed recently by a community member), if you're able to substitute the '?' character with the appropriate character that would be excellent.

If there are multiple '???' characters in a row that means the translation wasn't supplied in the first place (not the case for sk_SK).

Something else I've spotted is that throughout the translations we are missing copyright credits to blackcoin for their work done after peercoin (and before gridcoin).

JovanDj commented 7 years ago

I will do the sr translation. Do I fork the file then push the translated file?

grctest commented 7 years ago

I will do the sr translation. Do I fork the file then push the translated file?

Yeah, create a fork of the Gridcoin-Research repo, change the files then submit a pull request. Thanks for helping 👍

grctest commented 7 years ago

<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"/>

The above are also used instead of "???" To identify a lack of translations.

denravonska commented 7 years ago

Everyone translating should use Qt Linguist to make it easier to translate and to ensure that nothing is missed. I don't think it's available as a standalone download, so you'd have to install Qt Creator. Also, use the language files from the development branch, which just got rescanned.

Some other notes is to ignore translations which contain stylesheets, for example:

<source>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:20px; font-weight:600; color:#000000;&quot;&gt;Wallet&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>

These come from the dialog forms files which are currently being stripped of their CSS. Tranlations done to those strings will likely have to be retranslated later. Translating lines with simple HTML tags is fine but stay away from the stylesheet ones.

I can do the Swedish translation.

tomasbrod commented 7 years ago

The problem with Qt Linguist is that it has all translations marked as done. Even the broken ones and I did not find how to mark all non-done. So it does not really help.

denravonska commented 7 years ago

@tomasbrod Which language do you mean?

Edit: Ah, sk. Now I see the problem.

HuguesDohmen commented 7 years ago

If translations in duch need to be done, I will give it a shot.

tomasbrod commented 7 years ago

@denravonska The Slovak language. Additionally there are multiple unused strings and, what is worse, a lot of duplicate strings in the locale files.

denravonska commented 7 years ago

@tomasbrod I assumed duplicate translations got merged by Qt Linguist but I might be wrong.

I've left the vanished leftover translations in the files for this translation run under the assumption that they were used by the tool to provide translation suggestions for new strings.

@HuguesDohmen I'm pretty sure they do :)

denravonska commented 7 years ago

I have added 26 translations which were in the source tree but not in the final build:

+        <file alias="af_ZA">locale/bitcoin_af_ZA.qm</file>
+        <file alias="be_BY">locale/bitcoin_be_BY.qm</file>
+        <file alias="bg">locale/bitcoin_bg.qm</file>
+        <file alias="bs">locale/bitcoin_bs.qm</file>
+        <file alias="ca">locale/bitcoin_ca.qm</file>
+        <file alias="ca@valencia">locale/bitcoin_ca@valencia.qm</file>
+        <file alias="cy">locale/bitcoin_cy.qm</file>
+        <file alias="es_MX">locale/bitcoin_es_MX.qm</file>
+        <file alias="es_UY">locale/bitcoin_es_UY.qm</file>
+        <file alias="et">locale/bitcoin_et.qm</file>
+        <file alias="eu_ES">locale/bitcoin_eu_ES.qm</file>
+        <file alias="fa_IR">locale/bitcoin_fa_IR.qm</file>
+        <file alias="hi_IN">locale/bitcoin_hi_IN.qm</file>
+        <file alias="id_ID">locale/bitcoin_id_ID.qm</file>
+        <file alias="kk_KZ">locale/bitcoin_kk_KZ.qm</file>
+        <file alias="ky">locale/bitcoin_ky.qm</file>
+        <file alias="la">locale/bitcoin_la.qm</file>
+        <file alias="lv_LV">locale/bitcoin_lv_LV.qm</file>
+        <file alias="ms_MY">locale/bitcoin_ms_MY.qm</file>
+        <file alias="sah">locale/bitcoin_sah.qm</file>
+        <file alias="sq">locale/bitcoin_sq.qm</file>
+        <file alias="sr">locale/bitcoin_sr.qm</file>
+        <file alias="th_TH">locale/bitcoin_th_TH.qm</file>
+        <file alias="ur_PK">locale/bitcoin_ur_PK.qm</file>
+        <file alias="vi_VN">locale/bitcoin_vi_VN.qm</file>
+        <file alias="vi">locale/bitcoin_vi.qm</file>
denravonska commented 7 years ago

Standalone Qt Linguist installers are available at This is probably the easiest way for translators to help.

grctest commented 7 years ago

Looks like there's a larger amount of translations available within the official bitcoin repo:

It appears to use a different format, however we could pick and choose..

mrip0001 commented 7 years ago

I will try the Chinese中文 translation

mrip0001 commented 7 years ago I finished the Chinese中文 translation of Gridcoin格雷德币