Erkan-Yilmaz / Gridcoin-tasks

tasks, wishes, ideas, ... for the Gridcoin project
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investigate: assign team admins with lesser permission #61

Open Erkan-Yilmaz opened 7 years ago

Erkan-Yilmaz commented 7 years ago

it seems: the team founder can create + give less rights to team admins

mentioned in hangout 4 for investigation

grctest commented 7 years ago

I checked, there is not the ability to assign sub-admins with less privileges. Besides, what would be the point?

Erkan-Yilmaz commented 7 years ago

listen at pos: 1:23:50

it was about dividing tasks/responsibilities (e.g. b/c Rob would not have time for tasks like emailing users or other tasks), and NM thought there is such an option, and you wanted to check @Peppernrino checked at that time and saw such an option (assigning team admins), at position 1:28:00

perhaps not each BOINC project has it, because they use different BOINC server versions ?

grctest commented 7 years ago

I can select another user to transfer the full team admin rights to, that's about it.

Highly probable that BOINC projects are running old code, you can tell if they're still not running the bootstrap front-end.

Peppernrino commented 7 years ago


"Add or remove Team Admins

You can select team members as 'Team Admins'. Team Admins can:

Edit team information (name, URL, description, country)
View the team's join/quit history
Moderate the team forum, if any (admins get email notification of moderation events and red X reports) 

Team Admins cannot:

Change the team founder
Remove members
Add or remove Team Admins 

If a Team Admin quits the team, they cease to be a Team Admin.

We recommend that you select only people you know and trust very well as Team Admins."

Peppernrino commented 7 years ago

i think we just need to make a list of all the projects that this is possible.

being that i founded a BOINC-wide team, i might be able to admin on every page. i'll let you know.

Peppernrino commented 7 years ago

according to Amicable's founder page, admins can also send messages to users.

pwnorbitals commented 7 years ago

Updates ?