Use some jQuery in your application.js that does the following to your Conference Room Management app
[x] Remove the bootstrap table_striped class on your rooms table and use a traversing selector to apply a background color to the even rows.
[x] On the conference room show page, have a "Click to show square footage" link or button. When the user clicks this, the link/button is removed (using a this reference) and the square footage is shown. The square footage value should be in a data-sqfootage attribute of the element and the jQuery should use that value.
[x] Add functionality so when the users hovers over the name of your app in the nav, it changes to say "Home", indicating that when the user clicks that link it will take them home.
[x] On the ConferenceRoom index page, provide a button using a gylph icon that will show the conference room image(s) by sliding down a section below the row of that conference room. Clicking the icon again, will slide that section back up.
[x] Time to be creative and find a time and location on your web app to use jQuery animation.
Assignment 52
Use some jQuery in your application.js that does the following to your Conference Room Management app
class on your rooms table and use a traversing selector to apply a background color to the even rows.this
reference) and the square footage is shown. The square footage value should be in adata-sqfootage
attribute of the element and the jQuery should use that value.