ErnGusMik / python-tello

A library for using the Ryze Tello EDU Drone
MIT License
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How to get the current mission pad number? #20

Open flynnwang opened 2 weeks ago

flynnwang commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @ErnGusMik, is it possible to get the mission pad number if detected? I did check out the doc, but there is no similar one. Thanks!

ErnGusMik commented 2 weeks ago

There is a way to do that, but I've been lazy and haven't implemented that feature yet. (my greatest apologies)

This requires receiving the tello state, from which the mission pad ID can be read.

I will try and work on this repository in the coming days/weeks.

flynnwang commented 2 weeks ago

I found another repo that mentioned the command mid? which is not mentioned in the user SDK doc.

The way you mentioned, may I ask, which command it is?

ErnGusMik commented 2 weeks ago

That's interesting -- I haven't seen the commands mid? anywhere. Thanks for the info, though. I will try and add that soon.

Meanwhile, you can try'mid?') and check if that works.

Receiving the Tello state requires setting up a UDP server on a different port than sending commands. (I will try and add it soon🙏)

Hope this helps!

flynnwang commented 2 weeks ago

I tested the mid? using the lib above, it worked. And thanks for your info too :) Looking forward to it!