Ernesto01 / applesgame

CS473 Project
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Content Image folder missing Splash screen #2

Open Ernesto01 opened 12 years ago

Ernesto01 commented 12 years ago

The splash image seems to be missing from the repo and thus the project will not build so long as it tries to load it. Remember to add the Content folder to your commit. Same thing happened for the timerFont, I changed it to use score font so it would build. Git was giving me troubles with conflicts when trying to push my changes, and it ended up adding some haxadecimal character that had to be cleaned up after doing a commit -a.

benallyc commented 12 years ago

Definitely my fault, I apologize. I plan on working the game more tonight, but I can't seem to find the new solution on the new implementations of the game. How do I approach this situation?