Ernst79 / degree-days

Integration that determines (weighted) degree days, gas consumption per degree day and a gas prognose for the current year based on weather info from the KNMI and your gas consumption.
MIT License
7 stars 3 forks source link

For Newbies #6

Closed nielswest65 closed 2 years ago

nielswest65 commented 2 years ago

Could you give us /me :-) examples to copy how this integration works? I installed it using HACS this worked, but no sensors where made? I know, I shouls probelbly know how to. but I did not chose a UI system for the fun off it. I like things going by itself? or other people making it easy for me ;-). I am not a coder.

Ernst79 commented 2 years ago

Did you configure the integration? Like this?


Sensors should show up automatically, if not, you have found a bug. :-)

nielswest65 commented 2 years ago

No could not find the sensors, did these values in the file? this did not show. tried to put the sensors manualy in config.yaml. got errors. this my system?


bug could be newbie error though :-) logbook details:

Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor Source: helpers/ Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues) First occurred: 20:08:38 (4 occurrences) Last logged: 20:08:38

The degree_days platform for the sensor integration does not support platform setup. Please remove it from your config.

Ernst79 commented 2 years ago

You can’t use yaml to configure the component, only configuration in the UI., can you show a printscreen of your configuration?

BTW, did you add the integration after installation via HACS? You need to add it via the integrations menu by clicking on the +

jeffreyveldt commented 2 years ago

First of all, many thanks for making this. (and sorry for highjacking the topic)

I got the integration working had some prerequisites i had to figure out first.

Hacs installation is not hard but you have to know how hacs works. Hacs gives a new integration for degree days. So step 1: install degree days via hacs step 2: reboot step 3: In HA goto config -> integrations. add degree days integration there. step 4: in dashboard add a card with the degree days entities.

Ernst79 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, added the installation instructions on the main page.

jeffreyveldt commented 2 years ago

idea: (but this works in my case since my measurements go from jan 1rst - dec 31ste) Let the integration create its own yearly.gas.sensor utilitymeter. That way it should be able to always start from the moment the integration is added (or +1 day)

And in my case: i just created a workaround (which only should be necessary for the 1rst year since the yearly.gas utility meterd resets on jan 1rst anyway) a sensor based on (the total gas consumption - total gas consumption 31ste dec 2021). And a reminder that a should change the gas sensor entity on jan 1st 2023 to the utilitymeter one.

  - platform: template
        unit_of_measurement: m³
        value_template: >
          {% set totaal = states('sensor.gas_consumption') | float %}
          {% set eindjaar = 5334 | float %}
          {{ ((totaal - eindjaar)) | round(2) }}
nielswest65 commented 2 years ago

It was newbie error, sorry. Other HACS integrations (afvalwijzer) had me put sensors in manualy and I expected all HACS to work this way. I followd jeffreyveldt steps. and found the integration, as I did put my values as defautl everthing was correct. Now I have 4 entities . Challenge is to follow the above notes, as i put my sensor.gas,consumption as sensor and i now read this is not correct :-).

mmm I tried the code by jeffreyveldt for a sensor, but this corrupts my configuration.yaml look like the sensor is nog "closed" as code and errors are shown to the next sensor I copied from other integrations. Wich work

Ernst79 commented 2 years ago

I think @jeffreyveldt has a split up configuration over several yaml files. Try this (not tested)

  - sensor:
      - name: "yearly_gas_2022"
        unit_of_measurement: m³
        state: >
          {% set totaal = states('sensor.gas_consumption') | float %}
          {% set eindjaar = 5334 | float %}
          {{ ((totaal - eindjaar)) | round(2) }}
nielswest65 commented 2 years ago

Hi, sorry to bother you more. the sensor works and the value seems correct of course I changed the eindjaar value :-) graaddagen fout

graaddagen config

graaddagen sensor

Ernst79 commented 2 years ago

For the Gas sensor entity, you have to use sensor.yearly_gas_2022 (you forgot the sensor.)

nielswest65 commented 2 years ago

thanks changed it to sensor. I will now wait if values reset! have a good night

nielswest65 commented 2 years ago


it works, now I have to understand te values, if i summit the same values in Mindergas. I get values I think are "correct" and the values in HA look high in degreedays, and the usage for degreedays, looks low. I live in a corner house (partialy flatroofed.) and a lot of outerwalls? probably wait a couple off month to see how it evolves. thanks for all your help

