ErnstHaagsman / djangodocker

A sample Django project to dockerize
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Missing .env file for Windows support #1

Open DavidHulsman opened 7 years ago

DavidHulsman commented 7 years ago

I forked this project, after finding your name in an image on the "WHAT’S NEW IN PYCHARM 2017.2" page on, because I wanted to finally get Docker working on my Windows 10 laptop, and I found this small bug (?).

I was missing a file called .env. with the next content:


Strangely, if I only had the first line, Docker would not deploy and end with the next error:

Container [Name:/djangodocker_web_1; ID:c7eaa9e846116f0384aff1c0815b0d021f892f3e3cb5ec6fa68a8d7f16acd71f]: is not started
Failed to deploy 'Compose:  docker-compose.yml': Some services/containers not started

This seems to be a Windows-only bug.

ErnstHaagsman commented 7 years ago

Hi David!

You were a little early in finding this repo, as I'm preparing a blog post to be released next week with this code. Are you using native Docker for Windows, or using Docker Machine?

DavidHulsman commented 7 years ago

Docker Machine, as I had some other trouble getting native Docker to work.

PS: Glad to hear a blog post is coming!