When press Help->Contents the program open the default browser for show the user guide with this URL: file:///snap/p7zip-desktop/current/usr/local/lib/p7zip/help/fm/index.htm, but this file doesn't exist.
The console show: ShowHelpWindow((nil),fm/index.htm)=>/snap/p7zip-desktop/current/usr/local/lib/p7zip/help/fm/index.htm, so the Help->Contents has been implemented but file doesn't exist in snap directory
When press Help->Contents the program open the default browser for show the user guide with this URL: file:///snap/p7zip-desktop/current/usr/local/lib/p7zip/help/fm/index.htm, but this file doesn't exist.
The console show: ShowHelpWindow((nil),fm/index.htm)=>/snap/p7zip-desktop/current/usr/local/lib/p7zip/help/fm/index.htm, so the Help->Contents has been implemented but file doesn't exist in snap directory