Error323 / E323AI

An Artificial Intelligence for Spring
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Spring crash on Lowland crossing #25

Closed szundi closed 14 years ago

szundi commented 14 years ago

Hi, the logs are here: The crash occured, when the AI commander died. 1 human vs 1xE323AI v. 3.18.1

This AI is so good, but didn't have a game w/o crash in a month :) (playing a lot) I think fixing the crashes should be important quality improvement factor...

Keep up the good work :) Cheers

Error323 commented 14 years ago

We are working on it, its really annoying, the frequency with which the crash occurs (on my system anyway) is very low. It takes a lot of testing.

szundi commented 14 years ago

Please provide a debug build and i'll give you some sweet stacktraces! :)

slogic commented 14 years ago

szundi, i need more info. There is Gremlin(774, 926). 774 is a unit id which is never registered. This unit was not created under AI control. Try to remember how this unit could appear in AI hands. Could it be given to AI or smth more exotic? PS. Oops, you truncated the log. Pity.

szundi commented 14 years ago

Sorry :) I've tried to insert a ... at the truncation, maybe i forgot. So I think you never find such crashes easily without a debug enabled release that produces programmer-friendly stacktraces. I think i create an issue for this. :)

merijnvdk commented 14 years ago

I had the same problem when playing with a friend against e323, KAIK and RAI. When the E323 commander was killed, my friend crashed (he hosted the bots). At the moment the commander was killed, i paused the game. the crash happend right after I unpaused the game. infolog: botlog: after the commander died, a advanced fusion went too, causing even more damage and then it crashed. (see botlog)

Playing BA712 on AavikkoV2, E323 was arm.

[edit] oh yeah, he had a few sync errors earlier in the game, forgot about that. I guess that could mess things up too[/edit]

slogic commented 14 years ago

szundi & merijnvdk, try the following files:

PDB file put near spring.exe, not near AI DLL! This is the latest revision of AI with debug symbols. Spring will grab the info on AI crash. Feel free to test.

merijnvdk commented 14 years ago

Ok, been running AI games (trying to get them into T2). after a few games I got an assertion failure. CHroup.cpp line 69 units.find(unit.key)!=units.end()

szundi commented 14 years ago

I'll try the game in the following days with these files. If you could include this in the regular release build scripts, i would post here all of my bugs :)