Error323 / E323AI

An Artificial Intelligence for Spring
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How can we mark anti-air only units? #31

Open slogic opened 14 years ago

slogic commented 14 years ago

I'm thinking about the way how we can mark unit is an anti-air only unit. These units should not be considered by surface threatmap data. The only nice way i see to distinguish anti-air units from anti-air + ground is by additional military group tags like: SNIPER, ASSAULT, ARTILLERY. If they exists along with ANTIAIR tag then unit is not anti-air only. For mobile units is could be ok, but what about STATIC units (buildings)?

slogic commented 14 years ago

For static buildings i'm currently assuming DEFENSE tag means unit can shoot ground.

slogic commented 14 years ago

I really need help on this. Also i need 100% method to detect such units. Looks like until is fixed i can't do it fully automatically.

slogic commented 14 years ago

I have a fresh idea. DEFENSE tag will be removed. STATIC & automatically means a building is some sort of defense.

slogic commented 14 years ago

Damn, in NOTA mobile defense is introduced!

slogic commented 13 years ago

Resolution: all defenses which should be built in special spots (to cover static units) must have DEFENSE tag. Combination of DEFENSE + any of SNIPER, ASSAULT, ARTILLERY,PARALYZER tags means unit can shoot ground. DEFENSE + ANTIAIR means unit shoots air only. Defense can be both anti-ground & anti-air but it can't be assigned to both coverage layers (architectural restriction): any defense with ANTIAIR tag will never be assigned to anti-ground layer.