ErrorFlynn / ytdlp-interface

Windows graphical interface for yt-dlp, designed as a simple YouTube downloader
MIT License
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[FEATURE REQUEST] Rename Files #156

Open githottub opened 1 month ago

githottub commented 1 month ago

I sometimes d/l foreign language files from youtube and it would be helpful to be able to rename them prior to d/l so I can remember what each of them is afterwards. For example, either a rename option in the context menu and/or F2 triggering rename like it does in the OS.

As always, thanks for your great app and for your consideration of this request.

ErrorFlynn commented 1 month ago

If I understand correctly what you're requesting, then you can do that with the Choose folder and filename... command that v2.12 added to the Download folder menu (click on the folder name in Download options to pop up the menu).

githottub commented 1 month ago

Ah, OK. I wasn't aware of that. Thank you! If you have the spare time and feel inclined to add it in a future update, I do think being able to rename files as suggested above would be more intuitive to more people since it's the method they would already be familiar with in Windows. Thanks again!

Korb commented 1 month ago

F2 triggering rename like it does in the OS.

Using F2 is very common in Windows applications, and this is what I tried first when trying to change the "Media title". I didn't know if this would affect the name of the folder created for the downloaded playlist, but the UX of using torrent clients and the Download Master application, including downloading playlists from YouTube, suggested that this would only be a visual change in the download list. It would be more obvious if there was a "Folder" (or "Path") column in the list, by which downloads could be sorted by clicking on the title.

Since there was no reaction to pressing F2, I assumed that the corresponding items (renaming a download in the list and changing the destination folder) were in the context menu of the corresponding list item. But there were no corresponding items in the context menu.

Next, I would look at the drop-down menu lists, but this application does not have them.

you can do that with the Choose folder and filename... command that v2.12 added to the Download folder menu (click on the folder name in Download options to pop up the menu).

This was completely unobvious. At first I thought that everything located at the bottom of the main application screen only affected the downloads selected at the top. Then I discovered that in the list, when pressing Shift+⬆/⬇, you can't select more than one item, and, accordingly, group functions are unavailable. I changed the value of the "Download folder" field for one download (without the 📂-icon on the right side of this field, it is also not obvious that this field can be changed). The fact that the context menu appears not when you right-click, but left-click, also contradicts the generally accepted practice of interacting with interfaces. However, for some reason, the download folder changed for other downloads as well.

In addition, when I reopened the folder selection window, it was not the last location specified in this window that opened, but the application folder. This is also unexpected and unpleasant.

githottub commented 1 month ago

I just discovered another reason why it would be very helpful to allow changing of the file name within the queue interface itself. I sometimes add youtube videos from foreign language channels and let them sit there until format 616 becomes available. If there are multiple such files it is easy to forget which is which since they are in a language I can't read. But if I could rename them within the queue interface it would solve this problem.

ErrorFlynn commented 1 month ago

At first I thought that everything located at the bottom of the main application screen only affected the downloads selected at the top.

The buttons at the bottom affect the first selected item. The download options can affect all items (the default), or the first selected item (see my response to issue #155).

Then I discovered that in the list, when pressing Shift+⬆/⬇, you can't select more than one item, and, accordingly, group functions are unavailable.

Not being able to multi-select with the keyboard is a bug that will be fixed in the next version. You can still select multiple items with the mouse.

I changed the value of the "Download folder" field for one download (without the 📂-icon on the right side of this field, it is also not obvious that this field can be changed). The fact that the context menu appears not when you right-click, but left-click, also contradicts the generally accepted practice of interacting with interfaces.

The interface element is highlighed when you hover the mouse cursor over it, indicating it can be left-clicked like a button. A menu popping up when you click a button or button-like interface element might be uncommon, but I'm not convinced it's bad practice (you'd have to explain why you think otherwise).

However, for some reason, the download folder changed for other downloads as well.

Was the option Settings -> Queuing -> Each queue item has its own download options enabled or disabled? Because if it was disabled, then it's expected behavior.

In addition, when I reopened the folder selection window, it was not the last location specified in this window that opened, but the application folder. This is also unexpected and unpleasant.

That behavior can be changed from Settings -> Interface. I will change the default in the next version.

ErrorFlynn commented 1 week ago

Version 2.14.0 moved the file name command to the queue menu (also works with F2).

I just discovered another reason why it would be very helpful to allow changing of the file name within the queue interface itself. I sometimes add youtube videos from foreign language channels and let them sit there until format 616 becomes available. If there are multiple such files it is easy to forget which is which since they are in a language I can't read. But if I could rename them within the queue interface it would solve this problem.

Sounds like you also want to edit the media title, not just set the file name. That might be a feature I'll add at some point, but I can't promise anything.

githottub commented 1 week ago

Hello again, ErrorFlynn. I hope you have been well.

Yes, in my mind I was looking at it from the perspective that normally the media title shown in the queue is also the file name when it is downloaded/saved. Therefore, if the name in the queue was changed then it would also be saved with that name when the file was eventually downloaded. By being able to see the updated name within the queue, it would be very helpful for videos which might need to sit there for days/weeks until, for example, format 616 gets added.

Thanks for your consideration of this feature request. I truly appreciate it.