Errum / IntelArchitectureMap

Intelligence Architecture Mind Map
109 stars 13 forks source link

Source of the mindmap #2

Open adulau opened 1 year ago

adulau commented 1 year ago

Nice initiative! Thank you very much.

Could you share the mindmap in a parseable format? or the original source. I would like to see if we could make this as a misp galaxy or taxonomy.

syloktools commented 1 year ago

+1 from me on this request.

Errum commented 1 year ago

The tool I am using is an online service and sadly the export options are abysmally bad. I am thinking about moving the entire mind map to another mind mapping service where I can expand and minimize the different elements. Any suggestions on alternative tools would be most appreciated

adulau commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback. I'm using xmind (which is sadly not open source) but saving the xmind source works. I did it for active-scanning-techniques and there many option for grouping/expanding part of the mindmap.