Update Assimp to be compiled using Boost, which will allow my model/scene loader to be multi-threaded.
Update all of Arcane's dependencies and make Arcane Engine a 64-bit engine.
Research what needs optimizations (ie what would benefit from using a memory pool). Of course this is going to take some time, since most of the code that I will want in a memory pool, isn't even implemented as of yet (June 2017).
Implement memory pools. This is a very important feature as it will speed up memory allocation (as we can reuse and there is less overhead from "new" calls), and reduce memory fragmentation. Of course self allocation methods will allow me to build a profiler, and like I said, one of the biggest benefits is reducing memory fragmentation.
Officially update the project to be a VS-2017 project (right now it supports 2017, but it is a 2013 project).
Priority List: