ErwinHaasnoot / QRTEngine

Qualtrics Reaction Time Engine (QRTEngine) is an extension to Qualtrics which allows researchers, but generally any who are interested, to easily build behavioural online experiments.
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Parser problems #41

Closed stephensrmmartin closed 8 years ago

stephensrmmartin commented 8 years ago

I am currently trying out qrtengine v15 given the current problems with qualtrics' latest update.

The task works well enough for my needs. I decided to run myself through the study and attempt to look at the data.

The parser is erroring out with the following message:

[./] Initing parser on file: Confederate_Flag_AMP.csv
[/home/hwkiller/Dropbox/Research/Confederate flag and implicit attitudes/Documents/Materials/QRTengine/Parser/qrteparser-webservice-master/qrte_parser_python/] [ERROR] [CODE:4][TAG:ERR_COLUMN_INVALID_JSON] Subject: {'ImportId': 'responseId'}, Data: {'ImportId': 'embeddedData-QRTE_columns'}, SubjectId: 1 - Column cache is not valid JSON. Likely that respondent quit the survey early. If this is not the case, please report immediately to, with the survey .qsf and the original data file.
[/home/hwkiller/Dropbox/Research/Confederate flag and implicit attitudes/Documents/Materials/QRTengine/Parser/qrteparser-webservice-master/qrte_parser_python/] [ERROR] [CODE:4][TAG:ERR_COLUMN_INVALID_JSON] Subject: R_O88vCG0iMA73fdn, Data: , SubjectId: 2 - Column cache is not valid JSON. Likely that respondent quit the survey early. If this is not the case, please report immediately to, with the survey .qsf and the original data file.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 27, in <module>
  File "./", line 22, in main
    QRTEParser.parse(file, outfile=file.split('.')[0]+'_out.csv',exit_q_unique = False)
  File "/home/hwkiller/Dropbox/Research/Confederate flag and implicit attitudes/Documents/Materials/QRTengine/Parser/qrteparser-webservice-master/qrte_parser_python/", line 20, in parse
  File "/home/hwkiller/Dropbox/Research/Confederate flag and implicit attitudes/Documents/Materials/QRTengine/Parser/qrteparser-webservice-master/qrte_parser_python/", line 31, in _parse
    node = QRTEMarkUpNode.create(self.file, self.exit_q_unique)
  File "/home/hwkiller/Dropbox/Research/Confederate flag and implicit attitudes/Documents/Materials/QRTengine/Parser/qrteparser-webservice-master/qrte_parser_python/", line 213, in create
    headers, blocks, ignore_columns, exit_questions = node.build_block_meta(file, exit_q_unique)
  File "/home/hwkiller/Dropbox/Research/Confederate flag and implicit attitudes/Documents/Materials/QRTengine/Parser/qrteparser-webservice-master/qrte_parser_python/", line 349, in build_block_meta
    return headers, blocks, ignore_columns, exit_questions
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'exit_questions' referenced before assignment

I also attempted to run the python-django webservice, but the page does not load correctly. I started the server with: python2 runserver and connected via firefox, and received:

Page not found (404)
Request Method:     GET
Request URL:

Using the URLconf defined in qrteparser.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

    ^list/$ [name='list']

The current URL, , didn't match any of these.

You're seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.
stephensrmmartin commented 8 years ago

Note, that the output format of qualtrics indeed appears slightly different than I recall from previous studies I have run.

It now has a third row with, e.g., {'ImportId': 'responseId'} Whereas, I only recall it having 2 header rows previously.

ErwinHaasnoot commented 8 years ago

Hi Stephen,

Thanks for reporting this issue. These seem to be the same issues:

So I hope you don't mind if I close this one and continue correspondence in those tickets!



stephensrmmartin commented 8 years ago

Ah yes, I see now. Sorry about that.

Is there anything I can do to help debug? I have light-moderate programming experience.