ErwinKomen / RU-asrbank

ASR transcription metadata repository
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Accessibility implications #16

Open ErwinKomen opened 7 years ago

ErwinKomen commented 7 years ago

With issue #8 adding accessibility to descriptor records, the question now is what functionality should accompany the three levels of accessibility:

  1. just me
  2. Clarin community
  3. everyone
ErwinKomen commented 7 years ago

A suggestion for possible implications:

  1. just me a) only I can view and edit my descriptors
  2. Clarin community a) I can view + edit descriptors b) Clarin community can view them, but not edit
  3. everyone a) I can view + edit descriptors b) Everyone can view them, but no one else can edit them
ErwinKomen commented 7 years ago

Henk is in agreement with this suggestion. Implementation can now start...

Implementation stuff needed:

  1. Add information to the user profile that he/she is part of the CLARIN community
ErwinKomen commented 7 years ago

Discussion with Henk: leave the "Clarin community" bit to a later stage.