ErwinKomen / RU-passim

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Restyle PASSIM #761

Open ThijsRU opened 2 months ago

ThijsRU commented 2 months ago

Use Powerpoint:

Open: modification D3

Restyle fonts, sizes and colors

-text left: partly done, need images, maybe 2 by 2? EK writes code for the links to the four projects that are mentioned

-text right:

-text below: Done

ThijsRU commented 1 month ago



  <!-- List of projects that are clickable -->
  {% if prj_links|length > 0 %}
      {% for prj_item in prj_links %}
            <a href="{{prj_item.url}}">{{}}</a>
      {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}, binnen de home() functie

    prj_links = []
    prj_names = ['PASSIM', 'HUWA/CLS']
    for sName in prj_names:
        # Find the project fitting the name
        obj = Project2.objects.filter(name__iexact = sName).first()
        if not obj is None:
            url = reverse('project_details', kwargs={'pk':})
            oItem = dict(url=url, name=sName)
    context['prj_links'] = prj_links

Dan plaatjes toevoegen. Welk plaatje hoor bij welk project

HUWA = csel Augustine’s sermons = = csel

Passim: IconPassimRGB.png HUWA: csel.png CPPM: cppm.jpg Aug serm: leuven.png

access from views from django.templatetags.static import static

static('image.jpg') static('some_app/css/style.css') access from templates {% load staticfiles %}

{% static 'image.jpg' %} {% static 'some_app/css/style.css' %}

Dus in ons geval zou er in de python code iets moeten komen te staan als:


ThijsRU commented 1 month ago


Summary: We keep track of the information that is extracted from external sources (statistics). More details can be found on the bibliography page.

Not sure about the colours? See this explanation.

Latest News:

Latest news

  {% if newsitem_list %}
  {% for item in newsitem_list %}
  <div class="panel-news panel-default">
    <div class="panel-heading collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#news-item-{{}}">
      <span class="pull-right" style="font-size: smaller;">
        {% if item.saved|date:"j/b/o" == item.created|date:"j/b/o" %}
        {% else %}
        <i>{{item.created|date:"j/b/o"}} - {{item.saved|date:"j/b/o"}}</i>
        {% endif %}
    <div class="collapse newsitem" id="news-item-{{}}">
  {% endfor %}
  {% else %}
  <p><i>(There is no news yet)</i></p>
  {% endif %}


<div class="col-md-6">
  <p>See the PASSIM <a href="" target="_blank">project page</a> for more information.</p>

Getting started:

Getting started

    The passim application has been designed by the Technical Service Group of the Humanities Lab at the Radboud University Nijmegen.
    Any researcher is invited to register (via <a role="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" href="{% url 'signup' %}">sign up</a>).
    Regular researchers are able to read and search through the information that is provided.
    {% if user.is_authenticated %}
    (See the <b>Extra</b> menu for logout and other options)
    {% endif %}
ThijsRU commented 1 month ago


Disclaimer: This is a beta version

See this explanation for the figures.

ThijsRU commented 1 month ago

The PASSIM web application is being developed as part of the ERC PASSIM project.

  <p>PASSIM stands for <b>Patristic Sermons in the Middle Ages</b>.
  The project is <i>not</i> a study of the contents of these sermons, 
  it focuses instead on their dissemination, their manipulation and their interpretation in the medieval Latin West.
  <p>PASSIM will study the medieval reception of the Latin sermons preached by the Early Church Fathers, using a digital network of manuscripts.
  <p>The sermons of Augustine, Gregory the Great and other patristic preachers were transmitted throughout medieval Europe in the form of sermon collections, preserved in thousands of manuscripts. Nearly every manuscript contains a new combination of sermons, attesting to a continuous, widespread engagement with the authorities of the Early Church. The dynamic tradition of reorganising and rewriting the patristic heritage is largely overlooked by scholars of medieval religious practices, who concentrate on medieval preachers, and by scholars of Early Christianity, whose focus is the patristic context.
  <p>Medieval collections of patristic sermons were part of the liturgical life of the monastery, but also of an intellectual tradition. They offer unique insights into medieval attitudes toward authority, techniques of appropriation, church organisation, monastic networks and knowledge exchange. PASSIM will execute the first large-scale analysis of the formation and spread of patristic sermon collections in medieval Europe. The project will develop a digital network of manuscripts, using well-tried principles from the field of textual criticism. Building on this network, PASSIM will pursue three lines of inquiry: the customizing of standard liturgical collections as indicative of individual purposes and contexts, the impact of transmission on the popularity of patristic sermons, and pseudo-epigraphic sermons as revelatory of medieval perceptions of the Church Fathers.
  <p>PASSIM will bridge two disciplinary divides, between patristic and medieval sermon studies and between textual criticism and reception studies. Developing an interdisciplinary methodology with a wide applicability in the study of intellectual history, this project will introduce patristic preaching as a vibrant strand in the tapestry of the medieval religious tradition.
ThijsRU commented 1 month ago


Different people have entered manuscripts manually:

{% for item in people %} {% endfor %}

We also have read and processed information from external sources:

{% for item in sites %} {% endfor %}
Source urlManuscripts
  <h3>Quick Reference</h3>
  <p>The main purpose of the Passim web application is to facilitate searches:
    <tr><td valign="top">Sermon:</td><td valign="top"><i>(mockup phase)</i></td></tr>
    <tr><td valign="top">Manuscript:</td><td valign="top"><i>(mockup phase)</i></td></tr>
    <tr><td valign="top">Collection:</td><td valign="top"><i>(mockup phase)</i></td></tr>
      <td valign="top">Library:</td>
      <td valign="top"><b>(working!)</b> 
        Find one or more libraries by choosing a country, city and/or (part of a) library&nbsp;('s&nbsp;name). 
        Choose <code>Search >> Library</code>.
        Then use 'typeahead' and/or 'wildcards' to find a selection of libraries.
        Download that selection as Excel, CSV or JSON.
ThijsRU commented 1 month ago

The source code of Passim is available at github.

    <a class="btn btn-default" href="">Request assistance &raquo;</a>
    <span class="pull-right">
      <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{% url 'guide' %}" target="_blank">Short guide</a>
      <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{% static 'seeker/content/PassimManual.pdf' %}" target="_blank">Manual (pdf)</a>
      <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{% url 'technical' %}">Technical information</a>
ThijsRU commented 1 month ago
Surname, I.N. 2019 Patristic sermon dissemination in the Middle Ages - European routes, The Best Journal 36(2):430-462. (pdf)
  <div class="citation">
  <div class="citation">