Esc-IngComp-UNC / staff-access-monitoring-system

This project is a prototype system for monitoring staff access to a computer laboratory using biometric data. It captures biometric information, links it to individual identities, and securely stores the data on a remote server. The system includes a simple web interface for administrators to monitor and manage access records.
MIT License
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Research Software Architecture #7

Closed francobottini99 closed 1 month ago

francobottini99 commented 2 months ago

Detailed research is required on Software Architecture. The goal is to understand the different types of architectures, their benefits and limitations, and how to apply them in software projects.

Research objectives:

solnou commented 2 months ago

27/09 We begin the research and writing of the document

Spent on the day 🍅 : 3

   Document in progress

solnou commented 1 month ago

12/10 Document finish Spent on the day 🍅 : 4 Research