Esc-IngComp-UNC / staff-access-monitoring-system

This project is a prototype system for monitoring staff access to a computer laboratory using biometric data. It captures biometric information, links it to individual identities, and securely stores the data on a remote server. The system includes a simple web interface for administrators to monitor and manage access records.
MIT License
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Epic: Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Documentation #9

Open Jorgear27 opened 2 months ago

Jorgear27 commented 2 months ago

This epic tracks the progress of defining and documenting all requirements for the project. Each task corresponds to a specific document or component. To enhance the accessibility and organization of our documentation, all relevant files will be attached. This approach ensures well-organized documentation and easy access for the team.


Hardware Documentation #1

Requirements Documentation #3

Front-End Specification #4

GabrielEValenzuela commented 2 months ago

Nice work team, let's move the documents into an issue so we can keep all in GitHub

Probably we need to sync with a meet, let's coordinate on Discord