EshikaP1 / frontend1

Our frontend repository for our passion project- Eshika P, Cindy L, Aditi B, Samhita L
MIT License
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Passion Project Comments #1

Open Aditi99b opened 1 year ago

Aditi99b commented 1 year ago

Comment goes here

cliang1 commented 1 year ago

HOOK: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason:

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason:

VALUE: Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason:


daisyzhang2024 commented 1 year ago

HOOK: 3.8 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Very relevant, cancer a very relevant and important topic to many.

KNOWLEDGE: 3.9 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Lots of source and languages used, seemed to know a lot about API and library. Had a very vast library of counties and ratings on them.

VALUE: 1.0 Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: Very valuable to those who want to educate themselves on cancer, lots of quizzes, graphs, etc. to complement main feature of pie charts.

WOW FACTOR: Reason: Wow!! This was really cool and very detailed in terms of information, graphs, and quizzes. I can see how this would be very useful to someone who wants to learn more about cancer & its leading factors.


tanvim-18 commented 1 year ago

HOOK: 3.8 Reason: It was a relevant topic, and drew me in

KNOWLEDGE: 3.9 Reason: They had a great project, and the APIs used were good as well

VALUE: 0.9 Reason: Useful to those who want to play games, learn about cancer, and much more.

WOW FACTOR: Reason: I thought it was a very cool project, and highly informative

advikg commented 1 year ago

HOOK: 3.7 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Topics of lung cancer and environment make sense and are relevant to many people.

KNOWLEDGE: 3.8 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Had a larger variety of functionality and knew how the site worked relatively well.

VALUE: 0.9 Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: Very valuable towards awareness

WOW FACTOR: 0.6 Reason: This resource is truly impressive, offering a wealth of information, engaging graphics, and insightful quizzes. It's clear that this would be an invaluable tool for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of cancer and its primary causes.


Flying-Book commented 1 year ago

HOOK: 3.9 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Good job explaining the relevance to the audience + included many surprising statistics

KNOWLEDGE: 3.8 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: We’re able to explain the different aspects of their code and provided documentation on their repository

VALUE: 0.8 Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: connects with today’s topics such as pollution and the rising cases of lung cancer

WOW FACTOR: 0.7 Reason: Had many features including quizzes, learning material, and interactive statistics. The front end code could be customized a little more but everything is functional and interactive on the website. . Overall: 9.6/10

SrijDude3416 commented 1 year ago

HOOK: Points: 3.8/4 Reason: Cool features such as air quality in your region, and a data fetch that returns the percentage of lung cancer deaths in your region.

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.8/4 Reason: All team members seemed like they understood the topic. The project was built off of a huge knowledge base of lung cancer.

VALUE: POINTS: 1.0/1 Reason: Quite interesting and it seems like there is a lot of real-world application with a project like this

WOW FACTOR: POINTS: 0.9/1 Reason: Demo was really interesting but was a little chaotic because of audience participation.


vidhaganji commented 1 year ago

HOOK: 3.8

Very interesting + compelling topic which interested me (indoor air pollution)


The API that was utilized was very informative, and they did a great job of conveying the info

VALUE: 0.8

Is a good resource for anyone wanting to know more about air pollution, as it is very interactive and accessible to use


I enjoyed doing the quizzes as well as the many infographics present throughout the presentation


vibhayg commented 1 year ago

frontend, backend, API, and agile dev

HOOK: 3.8

Drew me in, good use of detail


They explained topic very well

VALUE: 0.8

Can be useful in modern society as rates of air pollution increase


The search tool where you can find pollution of any county


parkib commented 1 year ago

HOOK: 3.8 Really cool features!! I loved this whole concept and loved how you implemented the overall concept of air pollution.

KNOWLEDGE: 3.9 The topic was explained very well and the API used seemed to be very informative.

VALUE: 0.8 This is such a go-to resource for anyone who wants to know more about the correlation between lung cancer and air pollution.

WOW FACTOR: 0.8 I really enjoyed doing all the quizzes and the features are really cool and make the website interactive to users!!!!
