EsotericSoftware / spine-editor

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Improve image/video export when all skeletons are exported together to export multiple animations #780

Open imljc opened 4 months ago

imljc commented 4 months ago

Hello, I have a project file with multiple skeletons and Animations,and skeleton's Animations are same. When using Export Video, I found that only when the "Export type- Animation , Skeletons-Separate",I can choose "Animation-All". I want to select the " Export type-Animation , Skeletons-Together , Animation-All" to export all animations. It seems that there is no such option I can choose.How to solve? Will a future update solve this? 捕获 捕获2

here sample files:

NathanSweet commented 4 months ago

Each skeleton has different animations. To export "all" of them, we'd have to export all combinations. If s is "skeleton" and a is "animation":

s1a1, s2a1, s3a1
s1a1, s2a1, s3a2
s1a1, s2a2, s3a2
s1a2, s2a2, s3a2
s1a2, s2a2, s3a3

This is unlikely to be what you want.

You said that the animations are the same, do you mean they use the same name? I guess we could try to detect this scenario.

A workaround may be to use command line export to do all the exports you need.

imljc commented 4 months ago


s1a1, s2a1, s3a1
s1a1, s2a1, s3a2
s1a1, s2a2, s3a2
s1a2, s2a2, s3a2
s1a2, s2a2, s3a3




I want to render two skeletons at the same time and export their animation1~4 combine as one .mov. like: s1a1 s2a1 → one .mov s1a2 s2a2 → one .mov s1a3 s2a3 → one .mov s1a4 s2a4 → one .mov

NathanSweet commented 4 months ago

I understand. This could only work automatically by matching the animation names. We don't support that, but we'll leave this issue open to track the request and may implement it in the future.

For now you can perform 4 exports using Current animation. If you find that tedious, you can use the command line interface and a shell script to automate the exports. Also see our export scripts.

imljc commented 4 months ago

I understand. This could only work automatically by matching the animation names. We don't support that, but we'll leave this issue open to track the request and may implement it in the future.

For now you can perform 4 exports using Current animation. If you find that tedious, you can use the command line interface and a shell script to automate the exports. Also see our export scripts.

Thanks your answer, hopefully the future will add this function, and if use scripts and Current animation to export, it need to manual switch each animation, it so tired. if render one skel to export it will lead some slot use blending:additive will not blending correct(like:

NathanSweet commented 4 months ago

I was thinking you could write a scripts that can generate (or modify) an export settings file to set which animations to export. However, I see that when exporting all skeletons together ("skeletonType": "all") the current animations are used -- there is not a way to specify the animations in the export settings file. We'll consider improving this and possibly detecting when skeletons have animations that are the same name, so we can allow you to choose together + all animations.