EsotericSoftware / spine-editor

Issue tracking for the Spine editor.
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Importing exported skeleton data (JSON or binary format) results in wrong order of constraints #782

Closed misaki-eymard closed 4 months ago

misaki-eymard commented 4 months ago

Description: If you export skeleton data in JSON or binary format and then import it, the order of the constraints is imported differently than the original order.

Expected behavior: The order of the imported skeleton's constraints will be the same as the order of the constraints when the skeleton data is exported.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open mix-and-match-pro with 4.2.46-beta.
  2. Export the skeleton to JSON or binary format.
  3. Import the exported .json or .skel file via Spine menu -> Import Data.... For easier comparison, uncheck New project and import under a different name as Create a new skeleton.
  4. Then, you can see that the order of the constraints is different between the skeletons that was originally in the project and the imported skeleton.

The version of Spine in which this issue was found: Spine 4.2.46-beta

This issue was reported on the following forum post:

NathanSweet commented 4 months ago
