Open jhjacobs81 opened 2 weeks ago
What kind of authentication system do you use? If you use something token based than you can simply store the token in an environment.
hello Jon, thank you for responding :)
currently i do this:
curl -c cookies.txt -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "Username": "user", "Password": "password" }'
which will generate a cookies.txt like this: FALSE / TRUE 1733555692 AppName MTczMDk2MzY5M3xEWDhFQVFMX2dBQUJFQUVRQUFBZl80QUFBUVp6ZEhKcGJtY01DUUFIZFhObGNsOXBaQVIxYVc1MEJnSUFHQT09fLtMohuQTYQ_xjDYdRxghTX1E_2NRVIyfgtvCnppCpbW
and then on subsequent request i do this:
curl -b cookies.txt -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "Username": "user1", "Password": "userpass" }'
its a session based webapp
Is it possible to test an api with credentials? so i can post my login details to /api/login and have it saved for future testing?
Or maybe i am overlooking something?