EspoTek / Labrador

EspoTek Labrador is a USB device that transforms your PC or smartphone into a fully-featured electronics lab. This repo holds all of the source code!
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Logic analyzer logging #222

Open david0rk opened 2 years ago

david0rk commented 2 years ago

for testing/reverse engineering purposes it would be nice to have an option to automatically log the serial decoder output to a logfile

EspoTek commented 2 years ago

You know how sometimes people say something that is so plainly obvious that you wonder how you didn't think of it yourself? This is one of those things.

Why have I not done this?

david0rk commented 2 years ago

i realize you can just copy/paste from the text box, but logging to file in plaintext or hex dump would be ideal.

i grabbed the code and looked around during my break, it looks like the magic is happening in uartstyledecoder.cpp

EspoTek commented 2 years ago

It is, and knowing me there'd be a sprintf() call too. Literally as simple as replacing that with a fprintf()!