Closed jackdaddy69 closed 2 years ago
EspTouch Api support to post custom SSID.
public EsptouchTask(byte[] apSsid, byte[] apBssid, byte[] apPassword, Context context)
In our demo App, you can change the SSID widget(id = ap_ssid_text) from TextView to EditText in the layout xml.
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
And set SSID data from EditText in function public void onClick(View v)
int our Activity
public void onClick(View v) {
if (v == mConfirmBtn) {
byte[] ssid = ByteUtil.getBytesByString(mApSsidTV.getText().toString());
byte[] password = ByteUtil.getBytesByString(mApPasswordET.getText().toString());
byte[] bssid = TouchNetUtil.parseBssid2bytes(mApBssidTV.getText().toString());
byte[] deviceCount = mDeviceCountET.getText().toString().getBytes();
byte[] broadcast = {(byte) (mPackageModeGroup.getCheckedRadioButtonId() ==
? 1 : 0)};
if (mTask != null) {
mTask = new EsptouchAsyncTask4(this);
mTask.execute(ssid, bssid, password, deviceCount, broadcast);
thank, but use can not know bssid, but this requite bssid. On ios, bssid not requite, why it requite on android?
In many cases I would like to set up a device locally and then give it to a customer where a different SSID is present. I do not want this customer to change the SSID or Password themselves. This software only allows the SSID to come from the local connection.
You could make the SSID default to the name as you do now, and if the app user types on top of it, then the new SSID would be sent to the ESP device.
Thank you for your consideration!