Esri / ArcREST

python package for REST API (AGS, AGOL, webmap JSON, etc..)
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Enhancement: arcrest.manageorg.parameters module support for folders and sharing #172

Closed tpcolson closed 8 years ago

tpcolson commented 8 years ago

This is an enhancement request to modify arcrest.manageorg.parameters module to allow specification of owner folder and sharing (group) id's when, for example, using to batch create web map items. Would be handy to have a CSV file that allows in-line variable substitution that contains a folder that the item goes into, and what group(s) it's shared with. I've got the batch-from-csv part figured out, but moving 1000+ maps and sharing them with various groups sure is tedious.....

achapkowski commented 8 years ago

When you add an item, the functionality already exists to place items into folders and to set sharing.

Sharing cannot be set until an item is added. When you successfully add an item, addItem() returns an object of that item. When you obtain that object, call the share() on Item.

As for setting folders, this is done by switching the currentFolder property to the folder you wish place the item. Example:

 myuser = content.users.user("tpcolson")
 myuser.currentFolder = "randomFolder"
 item = myuser.addItem(parameters....,)
 item.share(<share arguments>)

The item is added to the folder "randomFolder" and shared as needed.

To speed up your tasks, try mutliprocessing or multi-threading the calls to AGOL if speed is an issue. With these functions, you have situation where you do something... wait... do something else... then wait... etc etc etc... Lots of waiting...

You can take advantages of Pythons multiprocessing at 2.7/3.4 or concurrent.futures at 3.4 or even threading (doesn't work in arcmap though because arcpy isn't thread safe). This will split up the uploads and should make things run faster.

tpcolson commented 8 years ago

Hi thanks for the quick reply! I got the folder designation working pretty easily, but I'm drawing a blank on the share arguments. I've tried item.share = "group guid" and item.share = "group name"

both before and after

  print (user.addItem(itemParameters=itemParams,

which outputs ..."sharing": {"access": "private", "groups": []}}

as well as the further up.

MikeMillerGIS commented 8 years ago

Here is some code that might help you

groupNames = ['group1','group2'] admin = arcrest.manageorg.Administration(securityHandler=securityhandler) content = admin.content userInfo = content.users.user() userCommunity = group_ids = userCommunity.getGroupIDs(groupNames=groupNames) shareResults = userInfo.shareItems(, groups=','.join(group_ids), everyone=everyone, org=org)

tpcolson commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the hint Mike! Based on your example, here's what I came up with:

        groupNames = ['Some Group','Another Group']
        securityHandler = arcrest.AGOLTokenSecurityHandler(username,
        #   Create the administration connection
        admin = arcrest.manageorg.Administration(url, securityHandler)
        #   Access the content properties to add the item
        content = admin.content
        #   Get the user
        user = content.users.user()
        userCommunity =
        group_ids = userCommunity.getGroupIDs(groupNames=groupNames)
        shareResults = user.shareItems(,
        #   Provide the item parameters
        itemParams = arcrest.manageorg.ItemParameter()
        itemParams.title = "ABCD"
        itemParams.thumbnailurl = ""
        itemParams.type = "Web Map"
        itemParams.snippet = "A Great map"
        itemParams.licenseInfo = "Blah Blah Blah"
        itemParams.accessInformation = "A great organization"
        itemParams.tags = "Some tags"
        itemParams.description = "Woo Hoo"
        itemParams.extent = "-84.1076,35.2814,-82.9795, 35.8366"
        user.currentFolder = "Species"

        #   Add the Web Map
        print (user.addItem(itemParameters=itemParams,

Which give me the error

    shareResults = user.shareItems(,
NameError: name 'item' is not defined

So how do I pass the to the addItem call?

MikeMillerGIS commented 8 years ago

you need to add the item before sharing it. Get the item id from the result of addItem

tpcolson commented 8 years ago

Thanks again Mike. I'm wracking my head trying to figure out how to call the item id from addItem.


        print (user.addItem(itemParameters=itemParams,
        shareResults = user.shareItems(items=json.dumps(map_json),

I've replaced json.dumps(map_json). with just about every variable I can think of...missing something obvious here....

MikeMillerGIS commented 8 years ago

change print (user.addItem(itemParameters=itemParams... to item = user.addItem(itemParameters=itemParams...

This should return the item or information about the item. From here you can get the item id

tpcolson commented 8 years ago

Thank a bunch Mike for your patient help!

Here's what finally ended up working:

        item = user.addItem(itemParameters=itemParams,
        userInfo = content.users.user()
        userCommunity =
        group_ids = userCommunity.getGroupIDs(groupNames=groupNames)
        shareResults = userInfo.shareItems(,
                                       everyone = True,
                                       org = True)