Esri / AuGeo

AuGeo - Augmented Reality for ArcGIS
Apache License 2.0
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Working offline with images #4

Open nickburt0n opened 7 years ago

nickburt0n commented 7 years ago

Hi Esri Labs, Congratulations on the AuGeo app - I've been having lots of fun with this in the UK and can see loads of potential uses. A few comments for you, and one question:

  1. Using the ArcGIS Online popup configuration I've found that table attributes only really display correctly if you choose the option 'A custom attribute display'. Select any other option and either no data displays, or you get other problems.

  2. When creating your custom attribute display, if you choose to use a date field, it displays the full date and time in AuGeo. I don't see a way to stop displaying the time, other than to recalculate the date field to a text field in the attribute table and use this instead.

  3. If you make popup config changes in AGOL and save layer, then refresh the data in AuGeo, it never seems to reflect these changes. I resort to saving as a new layer each time.

Finally (!), my real question: I want to be able to use AuGeo without WiFi or phone network, including displaying a photograph with each feature point. I can get this to work if I reference a URL for the photo, BUT this relies on network connectivity. Is there a way the images can be part of the data layer that is refreshed/downloaded by AuGeo and will therefore be available offline? I have tried enabling and adding attachments to a File Geodatabase and can get these to display in AGOL. However, I can't see a way to get these to get these into AuGeo. Any ideas?

Thanks for your help, Nick

spatialdude commented 7 years ago

Hi @nickburt0n

Thanks for trying out AuGeo and giving us feedback on your experience.

To your points first -

1) This is a current limitation, and an area will will make more improvements in in subsequent releases.

2) We'll make sure we handle dates better as we make improvements to the popup formatting.

3) Well spotted. I've put this on the list of things to improve when refreshing the data.

For better offline use, it's in our development plans to fully cache a feature service for offline use. We've implementing an improved offline database architecture that will support this.

Thanks again for your feedback.

nickburt0n commented 7 years ago

Hi @spatialdude

Thanks very much for your swift reply and for clarifying all my points - I look forward to the further developments.