Esri / AuGeo

AuGeo - Augmented Reality for ArcGIS
Apache License 2.0
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Expanded geometry types (polylines, and polygons) #9

Open Nemesisss opened 6 years ago

Nemesisss commented 6 years ago

This is a feature request, to add other geometry types which would allow for uses with most applications. The most critical would be polylines (underground utility mapping).


JohnHasthorpe commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the request - we have this open as an enhancement.

Internal issue:

geekness commented 5 years ago

Hi, has this enhancement been progressed? It seems like it would be a massive improvement, and be very useful for so many cases,

JohnHasthorpe commented 5 years ago

Hi @geekness can you share your use case and we'll add this to our internal repo. This enhancement is still in our backlog.

seenud2000 commented 5 years ago

Do we have any update on expanding AuGeo to support Polyline?

geekness commented 5 years ago

@JohnHasthorpe We would like to show our underground services which are already hosted by Esri, in the android AR app.

WillFSHolmes commented 5 years ago

KY Transportation Cabinet is doing a grant project with FHWA on utilities, particularly dealing with underground utilities in our ROW. Having a solid app that would provide AR of buried utility lines (with popup attribution) would be a huge benefit to DOTs, utilities, municipalities, and anyone else who has to deal with buried infrastructure.

geompc commented 5 years ago

@JohnHasthorpe Our use case is for Transmission Lines. We'd like our service providers to be able to see a 3D 'buffer' around our lines so they can quickly assess whether vegeatation is within the buffer and therefore needs attention. This would require lines and polygon geometry types to be supported. Polylines alone would be very useful for visualising underground services/cables. Esri has published this video which gives an idea of how it could be used (without the hololens).