Esri / Trek2There

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Validate lat / long entries on SettingsView #26

Closed defiantgoat closed 7 years ago

defiantgoat commented 7 years ago

Ensure that they are numerical values.

spatialdude commented 7 years ago


Use input validator double regular expression Input hints

marikavertzonis commented 7 years ago

Now I can only enter numbers and not letters. This is good release 1.0 behavior.

Interestingly I observed that when I made one of the existing values 'blank', when i returned to the main page, it showed direction to my previous location. This kinda makes sense, especially if i had gone to the settings page just to change the units. When i returned i would have expected my destination to remain as i had previously. But I also kinda expected it to show no destination because i had an invalid coordinate (ie: blank). This is where the introduction of Save settings might be applicable #23. Consider for release 1.1.